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October 2018 Issue [Reviews]

On Becoming a Scumbag

A poignant, profane novel of addiction

Discussed in this essay:

Cherry, by Nico Walker. Knopf. 336 pages. $26.95.

They start their day in the half-dark. She’s gone to take a shower. He’s picking through the house, looking for a shirt that doesn’t have blood on it. Used hypodermic rigs litter the cupboards, which must be bare of food. The dog has urinated on the floor. A dope boy named Black is expected by with their fix. Without it, she won’t be able to go to school—she teaches a literature class. But dealers have to be paid. He, we learn, has a bank…

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October 2018

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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