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From a manuscript in progress.

Light woke me up
What I fed grew

Some fun could curve
The time of day

It’s possible we were
Confused by old turns

Of phrase or new
Tonal and melodic ideas

Well no class managed
Its song that year

No teacher could get
The file to play


I fell in love
It broke my heart

The sign said Summer
Breeze Fine Apartment Living

Like that without punctuation
I felt I knew

You from somewhere before
Moths filed into flame

My modest band awoke
To the mild abrasive

Action of flung sand
The image did not

Realize it was cropped
Then I stopped digging


When I was young
Each keystroke was bound

To a single note
When I was dead

Machines wrote lyrics more
Perfect than we could

Imagine or there were
No machines and whoever

Was there to sing
Might continue to feel

It a spiritual exploit
It broke my heart

I fell in love
I fell in love

Light kept me up
What I fed returned

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May 2020

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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