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March 2021 Issue [Reviews]

The Possessed

Philip Roth reviews his own biographer
Illustration of Philip Roth © John Minnion/Bridgeman Images

Illustration of Philip Roth © John Minnion/Bridgeman Images


The Possessed

Philip Roth reviews his own biographer

Discussed in this essay:

Philip Roth: The Biography, by Blake Bailey. W. W. Norton. 912 pages. $40.

I ’ve never understood what others make out of non-fiction. Me, I used to make fiction out of it, but that was a while ago and I’m talking about regular people. I’m talking about you people, who apparently even now keep buying and library-borrowing, perhaps even reading, masses of these vast, fact-teeming books whose genre swears to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God. What exactly do you want from them? I can’t imagine you read…

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 is a contributing editor to Harper’s Magazine. His new novel, The Netanyahus, will be published later this year.

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March 2021

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