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December 2021 Issue [Memoir]

Her Kind

On losing and finding my mind
Collages by Avery Williamson. Photograph of Naomi Jackson © Tiffany A. Bloomfield

Collages by Avery Williamson. Photograph of Naomi Jackson © Tiffany A. Bloomfield


Her Kind

On losing and finding my mind

Three springs ago, I lost the better part of my mind. I remember it starting with my feet. I woke up one February morning in the South Bronx apartment I’d just moved into with my husband, and my feet were so swollen I could barely fit them into my roomiest sneakers. I called in sick and rode the train downtown to the doctor, who told me my blood pressure was perilously high.

The news didn’t come as a shock. I had been working and worrying nonstop. I was in my first year of a new job at a nonprofit;…

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 is an assistant professor of English at Rutgers University–Newark and the author of the novel The Star Side of Bird Hill. Her most recent article for Harper’s Magazine, “A Litany for Survival,” appeared in the September 2020 issue.

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