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January 2022 Issue [Letter from Washington]

Spent Fuel

The risky resurgence of nuclear power
Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, 1979. Photograph by Thomas J. O’Halloran. Courtesy the Library of Congress

Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, 1979. Photograph by Thomas J. O’Halloran. Courtesy the Library of Congress

[Letter from Washington]

Spent Fuel

The risky resurgence of nuclear power

Last June, Bill Gates addressed a crowd of politicians and reporters in Cheyenne, Wyoming. “Fifteen years ago I assembled a group of experts . . . to solve the dual problems of global energy poverty and climate change,” the sweater-clad multibillionaire declared, speaking by video. “It became clear that an essential tool to solving both is advanced nuclear power.” But the technology, he continued, needed to become safer and less expensive. To this end, he had promised to invest $1 billion in TerraPower, a company he founded in 2008 to develop small modular reactors that can be churned out on an assembly line.…

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 is the Washington editor of Harper’s Magazine. His most recent book is The Spoils of War.

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January 2022

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