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August 2022 Issue [Report]

Tree Sleuths

How DNA is transforming the fight against illegal logging
“Big-leaf Maples, Hoh Rain Forest,” by Lee Backer © The artist

“Big-leaf Maples, Hoh Rain Forest,” by Lee Backer © The artist


Tree Sleuths

How DNA is transforming the fight against illegal logging

With the right equipment and a little luck, stealing a tree from a swath of land as remote and vast as the Olympic National Forest should have been easy enough. In the summer of 2018, Justin Wilke, a Washington man in his late-thirties, found what seemed like the perfect candidate for poaching: a big-leaf maple located about a quarter mile from the Elk Lake trailhead on the forest’s eastern edge. A small number of big-leaf maples, which grow from British Columbia to southern California, have a distinctive grain that makes them particularly valuable. When these trees are milled and…

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’s most recent article for Harper’s Magazine, “The Crow Whisperer,” appeared in the April 2021 issue.

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August 2022

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