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December 2022 Issue [Essay]

Apocalypse Nowish

The sense of an ending
Kiss the Son (detail, center panel of triptych), by Nicora Gangi © The artist

Kiss the Son (detail, center panel of triptych), by Nicora Gangi © The artist


Apocalypse Nowish

The sense of an ending

I first read the Book of Revelation in a green pocket-size King James New Testament published by the motel missionaries Gideons International. I was in seventh grade. I remember reading the tiny Bible in the hallway outside my chemistry classroom, in which lurked a boy I loathed named Glenn, who would make fun of my Journey T-shirts. It would be years before I really got into Iron Maiden, but at my friend Jonathan’s house I’d heard Barry Clayton’s creepy recitation of Revelation 13:18 on the title track of The Number of the Beast: “Let him who hath understanding reckon…

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 is the author, most recently, of the poetry collection Walkman.

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December 2022

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