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January 2023 Issue [Miscellany]

Last Mile

The art of urine in the age of fulfillment
Photograph by Miska Draskoczy, from his book Gowanus Wild © The artist

Photograph by Miska Draskoczy, from his book Gowanus Wild © The artist


Last Mile

The art of urine in the age of fulfillment

When I pulled the used copy of Empire: The Life, Legend, and Madness of Howard Hughes out of its white plastic mailer it felt oddly light for a book of its girth, its center of gravity not exactly where a hardcover’s ought to be. I turned it over in my hands and opened the cover to discover that the book was hollow. Its middle had been meticulously extracted, leaving a rectangular cavity in which a previous owner had inlaid a thin cedar box. It was beautifully done—perfect corners, no sign of glue.

I’d been spending the pandemic writing a…

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 lives in New York. His first book, Sandfuture, was published by MIT Press in 2021.

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January 2023

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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