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From The Speak Angel Series, which was published in February by Fonograf Editions.

May all governments cease and no more men decide for me or
Steal from me I’ll happily kill you but you know you’ve no stren-
Gth someone says oh I’m Samson the blind and just
Scores of pigs run everywhere before the roof collapses
I’m going to live in the gully not needing electricity
I’m going to die there like Marie not in a rehab like my
Mother doctorless and barely allowed after Jerry
Brown refused hospice services to the people in my home town
I don’t need him or the president with his urgent vanity
You need a structure but I don’t not in our cities of cowards
The problem is everyone’s needs dish it out to yourself and tell
Waltons Buffet and Gates you’d just as soon kill them as buy their stuff
I would though I know you want to buy everything slop
Eat porn and communal cream in middleclass fuckit the inter-
Net’s not beautiful it’s nothing from nit heads incapable and credulous

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August 2023

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