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From an exchange on Signal between Mike Howell, the executive director of the Oversight Project at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and SiegedSec, a group of self-described “gay furry hackers,” which hacked the foundations database in July.

mike howell: This is Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project. I’d like to chat. Would you be willing to call or have some other means of communication?

siegedsec: Hello! Unfortunately I’m not able to call. I can only stick to text.

howell: What is it that you are seeking or threatening?

siegedsec: We want to make a message and shine a light on who exactly supports the Heritage Foundation. We don’t want anything more.

howell: That’s why you hacked us? Just for that?

siegedsec: Yes. We don’t seek money.

howell: Okay, listen to me closely. We are in the process of identifying and outing members of your group. Reputations and lives will be destroyed. Closeted furries will be presented to the world. You cannot hide. Your means are minuscule compared to mine. You can either turn yourself in or you can cooperate.

siegedsec: None of our members will be identified or outed by your organization built on hate. You want me to cooperate? With what? We won’t turn against our own people.

howell: Your own people turned against nature.

siegedsec: Humans can do what they want, and yet you choose to support an organization that harms innocent people. Why?

howell: Nature’s laws are vicious.

siegedsec: Brb, I’m writing a post about you. Would you like me to immediately post your docs publicly or tease it for a little while first?

howell: I’m tied up with the FBI issuing a 2702 order on your social media. You aren’t that sneaky for your line of work. [Sends screenshot of SiegedSec’s Bitcoin transactions.]

siegedsec: You learned how to look up the public history of my Bitcoin address. I’m proud of you 😀

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