Michael Pollan’s new collection of journalism, This is Your Mind on Plants, recounts for the first time publicly the story of his decision to leave out key passages of his…
“How did these clever policymakers in Congress—supported by hundreds of academic economists—achieve their ambitions?”
“Apparently, the assassin who killed Bernie Sanders’ presidential aspirations and his popular appeal for Medicare for All is now donning the clothing of a New Deal social democrat.”
“How did the Trump Administration manage to succeed where France had failed so spectacularly? How can it be that 56 percent of American adults are now vaccinated against COVID-19 compared…
“So what is to be done about our 74 million fellow citizens who voted for a crook, and about the boisterous minority among them who would be willing to follow…
“When I traveled from Paris to Prague in 1983, I deliberately took the train because I wanted to pass through the Iron Curtain overland, to feel the fear of being…
“The sordid self-interest that warps the public sphere in the United States didn’t begin with Trump in the White House.”
Such fervent admiration for a man who openly traffics in swindles and lies—where did it come from?
“The reputation of the Times as a left-wing newspaper has led it to make some absurd efforts in justifying its new status as a progressive beacon. . . .”
“Why wait to read reports that appeared on the website of France’s leading daily the previous day?”
Will the candidate with the best chance to beat Trump be on the ballot at the polls in November? Good heavens! It seems that there are some doubts.
“People living in Canada or Britain are lucky in that they aren’t stuck in a one-sided political system whose starting point is the celebration of the “entrepreneur” and his victories…
“What’s almost never discussed by the ‘experts’ on television is the political parties’ real raison d’être and their obsession with maintaining their grip on power and with unabashed cronyism.”
“I was immediately struck by the fundamental difference between the ‘seventh art’ and literature.”
Harper’s Magazine holds live events in New York City that are tied to newly published books. The former location, Book Culture on Columbus, which our publisher co-owned, has closed. However, these…
“Making fun of the negative interest rates offered by some European banks, Trump sniggered, ‘Give me some of that…I want some of that money.’ In my corner of the hall, around table 121, several merry-faced brokers and accountants applauded.”
“In her quest for her party’s nomination, has Warren concluded a non-aggression pact with Hillary Clinton?”
“In my experience, the media’s unquestioning conformity is fostered by the promise of reward—prestige, increased access, career advancement.”
“Nor would I leave to Emmanuel Macron and Mark Zuckerberg, both of them politicians first and foremost, the job of regulating anything that has to do with words or language.”
“Without conceding that there’s anything at all logical in Donald Trump’s fatuous rhetoric, we can nevertheless acknowledge that America is in fact sick, that in its inmost depths it is…
“What is it to be French? The question has always struck me as unhealthy and manipulative . . . ”
“The Times has used every opportunity to present Sanders as an obstacle to Trump’s eventual overthrow.”
“It appeared that everyone wanted to talk to a journalist from the United States with no visible axe to grind.”