“Whatever the current political momentum may be, what’s astonishing is that the oppression of less powerful people addressed not by a writer on the left but by the ‘reactionary’ Michel…
“I can see nothing but a missed opportunity to inform the broader public about economic realities in our increasingly stratified country.”
The crisis in France is gnawing away at what’s left of the lower classes’ pride and possessions
“The Democratic Party is best understood as an assemblage of baronies, the three most important of which—California, New York, and Illinois—dole out the most patronage and political favors in return for filling the party’s coffers and guaranteeing the reelection of its most cherished adherents.”
“I recommend neither the assertions of journalists and pollsters nor big headlines about terror attacks, murders, or caravans of desperate people as a basis for predicting the outcome of the midterm elections.”
“The ‘free trade’ policies championed by US leaders from Reagan to Obama, most definitely including the Clintons, have produced many victims.”
“French ‘solidarity’ was looking decidedly less solid than it had the previous day.”
“Obama [and nostalgia for him] is still running the risk of suffocating reform and encouraging the reelection of Donald Trump.”
"The art of the detail is in decline, because the pitiless World Wide Web rejects in-depth reporting in favor of the tweet."
"Wolfe was always the arch opponent of orthodoxy in all its forms."
"France has lowered herself to the status of a stamp or seal in order to 'reassure' the American Establishment that its loutish leader isn't entirely mad."
"I’ve often found myself doing battle with 'humanitarian' propaganda, sometimes promoted by nice, respectable people who strongly support military interventions, justified (in their view) because they would save hundreds of thousands of innocent lives."
"Why not mount a direct attack on economic discrimination and revive the campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment?"
"Although McCain participated in a morally unpardonable war in which the United Sates killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people, one can’t help sympathizing with him in his reduced state."
NAFTA is an investment contract that protects American and Canadian goods and interests against Mexican expropriation, regulation, and pestering by local authorities.
"It seems that the idea of giving any real help to black people put at a disadvantage by American history takes second place to eradicating that same tarnished history’s embarrassing…
"Loathing for Trump makes people forget that, among other horrors, a coalition of Republicans and Democrats has already wasted around $3.7 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan, sacrificed the lives of nearly 7,000 American soldiers, and wounded more than 52,000."
A version of this column originally ran in Le Devoir on June 5, 2017. Translated from the French by John Cullen. Normally, I wouldn’t applaud the audacious rhetoric of a…
If Trump is so dishonorable that he cheats at golf, it’s safe to assume he’ll do the same in politics.
The vocational training of American real estate tycoons is strict and pitiless.
"In a certain way, the Democrats lost to Trump not through stupidity but through cupidity."
"Mitterand remains an emblematic figure for President François Hollande, who is trying to attach himself to his predecessor as he tanks in the polls."
Above all, NAFTA is an investment agreement, financial and political in nature, and it has always been considered as such by both Republicans and Democrats.
"In the next four months, Hillary Clinton will be promoted as a female pioneer. But she'll also be ridiculed as a caricature of feminine success, a woman who owes everything to her husband and is at the same time constantly humiliated in the light of his past infidelities."