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Washington Babylon

Obama and political triangulation: the more things change…

First see this from the Washington Post: What does it tell you when banks, investment houses, insurance companies and derivatives traders are so pleased with their regulators that they are…

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Barack Hoover Obama

Kevin Baker has an excellent piece in the July issue of the magazine (available to subscribers) about the similarities between our current president and our thirty-first, Herbert Hoover: The comparison…

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Ensign Love Triangle

From Politico: The son of the couple at the center of the sex scandal that has engulfed Sen. John Ensign was being paid by the National Republican Senatorial Committee in…

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Ladies’ Men

From Politico: Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), whose name turned up in an investigation of an alleged prostitution ring in 2007, said Ensign was going through “personal difficulties they’re going through…

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Friend of Azeri Dictator Reportedly to be Named Ambassador to Baku

The indispensable Laura Rozen reported that Matthew Bryza, the deputy assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasian affairs, “is being recommended by supporters as U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan.” Rozen…

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Russian Oligarch Retains Advisory Firm Close to Hillary to Help Resolve Visa Ban

Intelligence Online reports that the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska has hired an advisory firm with close ties to Hillary Clinton to help him get a visa to enter the United…

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William Jefferson’s Attorney: a degree in advanced chutzpah

From the Washington Post: Federal prosecutors laid out their bribery case against former U.S. representative William J. Jefferson yesterday, telling jurors that he squeezed hundreds of thousands of dollars in…

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The Ensign scandal: Did girlfriend double-bill for utilities?

From the Washington Post: Ensign is considered a leading voice among social conservatives in the G.O.P. In 1998, as a House member running against Reid, he called on President Bill…

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Keep Guessing Who’s Coming to Dinner at the Obama White House

From MSNBC: The Obama administration is fighting to block access to names of visitors to the White House, taking up the Bush administration argument that a president doesn’t have to…

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Who Won in Iran?

It’s always so hard to know what’s really going on in places like Iran, given the combination of government repression/censorship and the Western-centric reporting of so many journalists. Ahmadinejad is…

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Glenn Beck’s Undistilled Looniness

“How do you look at Nazis and think they’re right-wing?” he asks. “We’re surrounded by people who want to control you.” The point of Beck’s raving–believe it or not–is that…

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Obama Energy Adviser: Brought to you by ExxonMobil

As Laura Rozen and I have reported, it appears that President Obama is soon to name David Goldwyn, an adviser to oil companies and dictators, to a key administration post,…

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Not Ready for Mt. Rushmore: The American Scholar looks at Reagan mythmaking

Just because it’s always good to look at the past with open eyes, here’s a new piece by Matt Dallek: Criticism of Reagan has been largely absent from the political…

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Is Secrecy on Drone Attacks Hiding Civilian Casualties?

From Inter Press Service: The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency’s refusal to share with other agencies even the most basic data on the bombing attacks by remote-controlled unmanned predator drones in…

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Obama to Name Oil Industry Crony to Top Position

As first reported here, international energy consultant David Goldwyn, “will likely be named U.S. special envoy for energy. That comes from an item yesterday by Laura Rozen at The Cable.…

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Government Vigorish: The Microsoft story

Ted Disante of Tucson wrote an interesting note about this item from last week, which referred to Washington as a gigantic lobbying operation: Here’s an additional tidbit to support your…

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The Myth of Gates as Defense Reformer

Dana Milbank had a good story in today’s Washington Post about Congress larding up the defense bill: This meeting of the Senate Military-Industrial Caucus will now come to order. The…

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More on Ambassadorships for Sale

From the Washington Post: President Obama has been taking flak of late for giving fat-cat donors cushy ambassadorial posts. Despite some early signals that merit — knowledge of the local…

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Pentagon Flies the Friendly Skies

From the Center for Public Integrity: Despite the Pentagon’s big budgets, DOD personnel routinely accept free flights, accommodations, and hospitality from outside interests, according to a Center for Public Integrity…

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The Tom Daschle Effect: Terry McAuliffe crushed in Virginia

The former Clinton bagman goes down in Virginia. How delightful. As with Tom Daschle, Barack Obama’s misguided choice to run Health and Human Services, it seems Americans are tired of…

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Unprecedented Growth In Israeli Settlements

From the Israeli daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, via Americans for Peace Now: They are the focus of President Obama’s interest in the Middle East and are even liable to cause…

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Federal Court Legalizes Illegal Campaign Contributions

From Associated Press: A federal judge dismissed two of three campaign finance violation charges Monday against a prominent Los Angeles attorney for allegedly funneling $26,000 to Sen. John Edwards’ 2004…

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Depression Chic

The rich really are different. From the Los Angeles Times: Coffee tables made from barrels. Lamps crafted from brooms. Chairs swathed in burlap and sackcloth. Look at the some of…

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No NIMBY Problem in India on Jailing Terrorists

From Indian Express: Mumbai: On June 3, the high-security Arthur Road Jail saw a new superintendent taking charge….[J]ail superintendent Rajendra Dhamne…is responsible for guarding 26/11 gunman Ajmal Kasab, one of…

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Glazed or Cream-Filled? Jesus and Donuts

Life without Jesus is like a donut, because there’s a hole in the middle of your heart. Via Dan Savage.

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Doing Business With Phil Gramm’s Bank

From Bloomberg: California billionaire Igor Olenicoff had already invested $200 million with UBS AG in 2001 when his Swiss bankers ushered him to an underground vault in Geneva. Olenicoff, a…

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The Lobby

At times it seems like Washington is one gigantic lobbying machine. To wit: Insurers and drug companies are working to gut health care reform. Big Tobacco wrote the tobacco bill.…

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How Many Law Firms Does It Take to Figure out Where a Congressman Lives?

If you are Congressman Robert Wexler, the answer is three. Rep. Robert Wexler (D-Fla.) paid more than $6,700 in legal fees in the first quarter of this year, funds spent…

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