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Washington Babylon

Fundraising and Hate-mongering

From Alexander Cockburn at The Nation, wisely citing me about Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, “the arch-salesman of hate-mongering”: Ever since 1971 U.S. Postal Service mailbags have…

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The GOP’s New Big Tent

From CNN: Coming soon to a battleground state near you: a new effort to revive the image of the Republican Party and to counter President Obama’s characterization of Republicans as…

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How you get to be dean of the Washington press corps

David Broder writes today, “It’s been more than four decades since Arlen Specter, senator from Pennsylvania, earned the nickname ‘Specter the Defector.’ With his decision this week to leave the…

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The Pope and the Dictator’s Son

From Foreign Policy: Belarussian President Aleksandr Lukashenko’s PR machine kicked into overdrive yesterday during a meeting with Pope Benedict. RFE/RL’s Luke Allnut notes that the Belarussian strongman’s adorable son Nikola…

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Swine and Flu

From Associated Press: Rep. Michele Bachmann says she finds it an “interesting coincidence” that the last swine flu outbreak in the U.S. occurred under a Democratic president — though her…

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Washington Lobbyists Cash In On War in Sri Lanka

It’s hard to know who bears more responsibility for the bloodshed in Sri Lanka, the government or the Tamil Tigers, but it’s clear that huge numbers of civilians are being…

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Financial Journalism’s Failure

From a letter to the Financial Times: So why did journalism fail? One only needs to examine the financial industry’s elaborate programmes to cultivate the media to realise that journalists…

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Dianne Feinstein’s Husband Hits Jackpot: with help from the senator

From the Washington Times: On the day the new Congress convened this year, Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation to route $25 billion in taxpayer money to a government agency that…

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Torture and the War on Terror

When reading this: A video tape smuggled out of the United Arab Emirates shows a member of the country’s royal family mercilessly torturing a man with whips, electric cattle prods…

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To New York With Love

From Chris Lehmann: My ill-starred tenure at New York magazine was, among other things, a crash course in the staggering unselfawareness of Manhattan class privilege. Sure, there was the magazine’s…

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The World is Flatter

From the Washington Post: The global economic crisis has hit home for Tom Friedman. When the New York Times columnist married heiress Ann Bucksbaum in 1978, he joined one of…

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A Kinder, Gentler Torture

The Daily Show segment last night, which captured Bush administration apologists offering up their latest justifications for torture, was riveting television. A particular highlight: this exchange between Chris Wallace of…

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Behind the “Clean Coal” Blitz

From The Center for Public Integrity: They’ve put the black rock on billboards in the swing states, and they’ve splashed it on full-page ads in CQ Weekly, Roll Call, Politico,…

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The Chavez Uproar: Open Veins and Closed Minds

Eugene Robinson just won a Pulitzer, but like most commentators he doesn’t seem to have read the book, Open Veins of Latin America, by Eduardo Galeano, a copy of which…

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Congresswoman Harman and AIPAC: “This conversation doesn’t exist”

From CQ: Rep. Jane Harman , the California Democrat with a longtime involvement in intelligence issues, was overheard on an NSA wiretap telling a suspected Israeli agent that she would…

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Wolcott on the Media: The tweet smell of success

I disagree with James Wolcott’s main thesis here that the media is “wired” towards Republican power. The Washington media is wired for power alone (and perhaps a tinge of celebrity).…

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Federal Raid on Lobby Shop Leaves Democrats Cash-Strapped

From the Washington Post: Three senior House Democrats revealed sharp declines in donations for the first quarter of 2009 after the shuttering of a lobbying firm that in previous election…

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More Reasons to Hate AIG

From ProPublica and the Los Angeles Times: Civilian workers who suffered devastating injuries while supporting the U.S. war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan have come home to a grinding battle…

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Oil Über Alles

Five years ago, the Securities and Exchange Commission opened an investigation into possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by a number of major American energy firms operating in…

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State of Play: Congressional investigations

From the Washington Post: A House Democrat from Indiana has conducted an extensive audit of his political committees, after a lobbying firm that raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for…

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Why Cutting Weapons Programs Won’t Be Easy

Defense Secretary Robert Gates’s recent decision to cut big ticket weapons systems (even as he was increasing defense spending by four percent overall) was met with predictable howls of outrage…

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Lobbying: More profitable, by far, than the cocaine trade

From the Washington Post: In a remarkable illustration of the power of lobbying in Washington, a study released last week found that a single tax break in 2004 earned companies…

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Corrupt Former Congressman Rested and Ready

Ready for talk radio: Three years after pleading guilty to federal corruption charges, former Ohio Rep. Bob Ney is back in the public spotlight. Ney will debut as a talk…

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Top Secret Plans, Get Yer Top Secret Plans Right Here

I noted here yesterday that Britain’s top counterterrorism official had been forced to resign after he was “photographed carrying a document that outlined details of a major antiterrorism operation.” Today…

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Congressman Joe Barton’s Campaign Investment Strategy

From CQ: Texas Rep. Joe L. Barton ’s campaign reported losing $703,500 in the financial markets last year. A large chunk of those stock market losses — $196,900 — were…

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Pirates and the CIA: What would Thomas Jefferson have done?

“It was the sixth such attack this week and one of 66 this year by Somali pirates, a collection of shrewd businessmen and daring opportunists who have pulled off a…

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Britain’s Counterterror Chief: Quick but not swift

From the New York Times: Britain’s most powerful counterterrorism officer resigned on Thursday, a day after being photographed carrying a document that outlined details of a major antiterrorism operation in…

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The Red Cross Report and Manadel al-Jamadi

From Jeff Stein at CQ: There are 14 names in the confidential Red Cross report that surfaced last week on the CIA’s “ill treatment” of detainees. But you will not…

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