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Washington Babylon

More on $1 Billion Murtha-Connected Biodefense Facility

A few weeks ago, I reported here on a plan by Congressman John Murtha’s friends and campaign donors to obtain up to $1 billion for a controversial project to build…

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Potato Chips: Now with real potatoes!

A Frito-Lay spokeswoman, quoted in the Washington Post: For Frito-Lay, a focus on real ingredients is a new way to help consumers overcome their guilt about eating snack chips. Last…

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Feds Exploring Congressman Visclosky’s Ties to Controversial Lobby Shop

The New York Times had a story over the weekend reporting that the feds are exploring links between Congressman Pete Visclosky of Indiana and the PMA lobby shop: Mr. Visclosky,…

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Congressman Joe Barton’s Favorite Charitable Cause: Joe Barton

From the Washington Times: The top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee operates a tax-exempt foundation that has raised donations from the industries his committee oversees, while giving…

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Where’s the Financial Transparency Obama Promised?

This is an important story from Investors Business Daily: Accounting rule-makers on Thursday did all they could to make the nation’s credit nightmare go away — or at least go…

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Investigative Reporting Panel at Berkeley

Sorry for the late notice, but I’ll be appearing on an investigative reporting panel today at Berkeley. Details below: Investigative Reporting Seminar with Professor Lowell Bergman When: April 3, 2009,…

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Losing May Be Winning for Norm Coleman

From Politico: Even if Norm Coleman pulls off a long-shot legal victory in the extended Minnesota Senate race, Democrats are vowing to make him wish that he hadn’t. Separate and…

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First of the Alleged UBS Tax Cheats Charged

The guy is a yacht broker from Florida, which somehow comes as no surprise: Steven Michael Rubinstein, of Boca Raton, Fla., has been charged, via criminal complaint, with filing a…

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Geithner and Citibank: Helping a friend in need

Great story from ProPublica: Geithner, who maintained ties to senior bank executives and others in the financial world, had a particularly close relationship with former Treasury secretary Robert E. Rubin,…

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Katrina Contractor On Board at FEMA

From POGO: On March 4, 2009, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that Jason R. McNamara will serve as the Chief of Staff for the Federal Emergency Management…

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Why are Gun Sales Up?

From the lows of mid-day March 6th through the close of trading yesterday, the Dow Jones is up 23%, the NASDAQ 100 is up 24% and the Russell 2000 is…

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The Politics of Reconciliation: How to count to $15 trillion

The Daily Show nails Judd Gregg. Nancy Pelosi too, though the Gregg clip is the highlight.

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Republican Math

From Conor Clarke : I’m still reading the Republicans’ alternative budget (pdf), but I did want to highlight this graph from Republican Paul Ryan’s Wall Street Journal op-ed on the…

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Lobbyists Hit Bailout Gold

From the Sunlight Foundation: Lobbying firms and special interests have filed nearly 1,700 new registration forms so far in the first quarter of 2009, a review of lobbying disclosure forms…

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MIA: $300 Million worth of helicopters

From Wired: Over the past two years, the U.S. military has paid $241 million to supply the Iraqi government with Russian helicopters – and received exactly none of those copters.…

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The (Gated) Fourth Estate

From Glenn Greenwald: In his just-released cover story on Paul Krugman’s status as Obama critic, Newsweek’s Evan Thomas includes these observations: “By definition, establishments believe in propping up the existing…

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Tortured Confession: Waterboarding and Abu Zubaida

From the Washington Post: In the end…not a single significant plot was foiled as a result of Abu Zubaida’s tortured confessions, according to former senior government officials who closely followed…

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Lobby Firm’s Libya Strategy Leaks

Libya’s exiled opposition (there is no domestic opposition allowed) got its hands on the lobbying strategy of Col. Moammar Qadaffi’s Washington lobbying firm, the Livingston Group. As reported by O’Dwyer’s:…

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New Depo from Case Linked to Norm Coleman: Senators “don’t make shit”

Remember all those stories last fall about various and sundry campaign donors to then-Senator Norm Coleman? Those donors, including a man named Nasser Kazeminy, seemed to take very good care…

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Rahm Emmanuel: Sleeping at wheel pays well

From the Chicago Tribune: Before its portfolio of bad loans helped trigger the current housing crisis, mortgage giant Freddie Mac was the focus of a major accounting scandal that led…

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This Sounds Vaguely Familiar: Where was Larry Summers in 1999?

Worth reviewing this story from the New York Times, November 5, 1999: Congress approved landmark legislation today that opens the door for a new era on Wall Street in which…

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Stiglitz: “This amounts to robbery of the American people”

From Reuters: The U.S. government plan to rid banks of toxic assets will rob American taxpayers by exposing them to too much risk and is unlikely to work as long…

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It’s Deja Vu All Over Again: Wall Street and Bill Clinton

“The Obama administration, after months of criticizing Wall Street, has been scrambling to woo top bankers and financiers to back its latest bailout plan,” the Wall Street Journal reported today.…

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Geithner in the Polls: Darling of the “Political Class”

From a Rasmussen poll yesterday: America’s Political Class gives Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner rave reviews: 76% have a favorable opinion of him. Two-thirds (66%) of the Political Class say Geithner’s…

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Wall Street Math

One… Treasury Details Plan to Buy Risky Assets The Obama administration formally presented the latest step in its financial rescue package on Monday, an attempt to draw private investors into…

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Senator Sanders Blocking Key Obama Nomination

I reported back in February on the case of Gary Gensler, the former Goldman Sachs employee and derivatives cheerleader who President Obama nominated to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission…

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Hedge Fund Socialism

There’s already much debate about the merits of the administration’s plan to clean up toxic assets, but one person I spoke with – a well-connected Democrat representing a big investment…

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Doddering in the Polls

From Associated Press: While Dodd, 64, has only recently found himself in the nation’s political hot seat because of his role in the AIG bonus debacle, it has become clear…

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