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Washington Babylon

Eric Cantor: Still on UBS’s dole

As the economic crisis unwinds, House Republican Whip Eric Cantor has been a stern advocate for Main Street vs. Wall Street, has denounced the excesses of financial institutions, and just…

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News from Absurdistan

During both the Bush and Clinton years, the White House argued that the United States should “engage” with governments in the Caspian region, saying that such a strategy would do…

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More on Countrywide’s VIPs

From the Washington Post: Executives at Countrywide Financial, one of the biggest names of the housing boom, routinely violated internal company policies to provide below-market rates on home loans to…

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Senator Dodd and the AIG Bonuses (Updated)

From Gawker: Two AIG executives fingered by the New York Post as recipients of blood-money bonuses personally donated to the presidential campaign of Chris Dodd, who inserted language into the…

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Can Those AIG Contracts Be Broken?

From Steven Pearlstein of the Washington Post: The legal argument for honoring these ill-considered contracts is that a deal is a deal and that trying to abrogate them will only…

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Senator Schumer and AIG: A short timeline

U.S. News, March 17, 2009: “They should voluntarily return them. If they don’t, we plan to tax virtually all of it,” New York Sen. Chuck Schumer declared on the Senate…

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AIG and Congress: Washington on $53,000 a Day

A few highlights on AIG’s Washington influence buying scheme, from Open Secrets: In the last 20 years American International Group (AIG) has contributed more than $9 million to federal candidates…

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Senator Grassley to AIG Execs: Consider suicide

From AP: Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested that AIG executives should accept responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves. The Republican lawmaker’s harsh comments…

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Report: Israeli Appointee Barred from U.S. as “Intelligence Risk”

From the Washington Times: Uzi Arad, who is expected to serve as national security adviser in the next Israeli government, has been barred from entering the United States for nearly…

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Pork Gallery

From the Washington Post: Just because there’s still a Justice Department investigation rattling around you doesn’t mean lobbyists can’t contribute to buying a portrait for you to hang in your…

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Coming Soon: Colonel Qaddafi, Libya’s George Washington

From O’Dwyer’s: Libya paid more than $750K in fees since September to The Livingston Group for its work to improve ties with the U.S. That sum generated half of the…

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Chas Freeman and Saudi Money

One of the most common charges hurled by the opponents of Charles Freeman Jr., who yesterday withdrew as chair of the Obama administration’s National Intelligence Council, was that he “headed…

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A Personal Bailout

From the New York Times: Top banking regulators were taken aback late last year when a California congresswoman helped set up a meeting in which the chief executive of a…

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The Freeman “Purge Trial”

From Jacob Heilbrunn in National Interest: Only now does Charles Freeman become truly interesting. Freeman, who has withdrawn from being named chairman of the National Intelligence Council, triggered an intense…

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Obama’s War

Milt Bearden, who ran the CIA’s covert assistance to the Afghans from Pakistan during the Soviet occupation, has a good piece in National Interest: There is an unrelenting insurgency—we call…

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He Said, She Said

From the Chicago Sun-Times, via Justin Rood: Inverness Police say former Cook County Republican Chairman Gary Skoien admitted having two prostitutes in his children’s playroom when his wife walked in…

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The Post and Charles Freeman

An editorial in today’s Washington Post says that Charles W. Freeman Jr. “looked like a poor choice to chair the Obama administration’s National Intelligence Council” and criticized Freeman for suggesting…

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Senator Vitter Turns Tail

From Roll Call, via TalkingPointsMemo: Among Members of Congress, there’s a long-standing, proud tradition of the Airport Freakout. Add to the list of those who’ve indulged in meltdowns and temper…

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International Bankers and Corruption: How Citigroup does business abroad

London-based Global Witness has just put out a good report on how some major international banks, including Citibank, “have been dealing with some of the world’s most corrupt regimes.” Gavin…

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Citibank Does Baghdad: Iraqis beware, you might just want to put your cash under the bed

From Spencer Ackerman: Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld once observed that if you can’t solve a problem, enlarge it. In that spirit, take a look at this press conference in…

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Freeman Withdraws

Via Think Progress: Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair announced today that Ambassador Charles W. Freeman Jr. has requested that his selection to be Chairman of the National Intelligence…

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Citigroup: Sell Wal-Mart for fear of union

From MarketWatch: Citigroup Inc. lowered its rating on Wal-Mart Stores Inc. to hold from buy on Tuesday, citing concern that legislation intended to make it easier for employees to unionize…

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Dick Gephardt, Labor and Lobbying

I posted an item last week about former House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt, who had been very pro-labor during his long tenure in Congress. I noted that he’s now a…

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Romney 2012: Not an auspicious start in wooing conservatives

This past weekend’s National Club for Growth annual conference featured three dinner speakers. Thursday night: South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. Friday night: South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint. Saturday night: former…

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Reply on Iraq Video

Last week, I posted a video showing an American military officer trash-talking a group of Iraqi police. Here’s a reply from Tim Hanes, former Captain, U.S. Army: No, this video…

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Media Fuels Tale of Obama-Limbaugh “Feud”

“GOP Fights Back Over Criticism of Limbaugh,” ran the headline in today’s Washington Post. “White House Is Accused Of Cynicism, Hypocrisy.” The accompanying story was written by Howard Kurtz and…

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Dick Gephardt: From NAFTA foe to the U.S. Chamber

Remember Dick Gephardt, the former House House Majority Leader, mortal foe of NAFTA and overall friend of the working class? He’s a lobbyist now of course, and his firm, Gephardt…

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Citigroup: Penny stock firm still spends millions on lobbying

Shares of Citigroup Inc., once the nation’s most powerful bank, fell below $1 a share Thursday. The stock fell to 98 cents in late morning trading, down 15 cents or…

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