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Washington Babylon

Charity For Poor Funnels Money to GOP

From the Athens Banner-Herald: Officers of a Monroe-based charity that is under investigation by federal authorities donated nearly $50,000 to conservative candidates and causes in recent years, Federal Elections Commission…

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A Real Vetting Problem: Japanese minister quits after “drunken appearance” at news conference

From AP, via Talkingpointsmemo: Japan’s finance minister abruptly resigned Tuesday over allegations he made a drunken appearance at a G-7 news conference, shaking Prime Minister Taro Aso’s already deeply unpopular…

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Obama Nominee’s Past Includes Botched Privatization of Uranium Company

Chris Hayes had a nice piece not long ago about President Obama’s nomination of Gary Gensler to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). A long-time employee of Goldman Sachs,…

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Did Murtha’s Favorite Lobby Firm Use Straw Donors?

From the Washington Post: Marvin Hoffman is listed in campaign finance records as one of the many lobbyists with the powerful PMA Group donating money to lawmakers. But Hoffman is…

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What’s That in His Pocket?

From John Judis: There are many good things to say about the stimulus bill. But all in all, it wasn’t as good as it could be: It’s probably too small…

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Plouffing the Press

From the Washington Post: It takes a certain amount of nerve to have an event at the National Press Club and then ban the press from covering it. It takes…

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Joliet Jackhammer: New job for Blago?

From the Chicago Tribune: An unlikely suitor has stepped to the plate with a job offer for former Gov. Rod Blagojevich. The Joliet JackHammers, a Will County minor-league baseball team,…

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Congressman Austria’s History Lesson

From the Columbus Dispatch, via Talkingpointsmemo: “When (President Franklin) Roosevelt did this, he put our country into a Great Depression. He tried to borrow and spend, he tried to use…

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An Australian Reporter’s Take on the Middle East

Interesting interview about Middle East coverage at Columbia Journalism Review with Sydney Morning Herald foreign correspondent Paul McGeough. A few excerpts: People keep repeating that Hamas’s charter is opposed to…

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Homeland Security TV: Be Very Afraid

This is new to me: the Homeland Security Television Channel, “the world’s first online, on-demand television network dedicated to homeland security and global development.” The channel is also “dedicated to…

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American Arms Sales to Iraq: Signs of a long stay?

From Eli Lake: As President Obama weighs options for withdrawing U.S. combat troops from Iraq, the country’s military is purchasing American helicopters, cargo planes and tanks equipment that typically requires…

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Former CIA Official on Engagement With Hamas and Middle East Peace

Yesterday I posted the first part of a conversation with Emile Nakhleh, former head of the CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program and author of the new book, A Necessary…

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Lobby Firm Raided by Feds Has Deep Links to Democrats

As noted here last night, the FBI has raided a lobby shop, PMA, which is closely enmeshed with Congressman John Murtha, chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. According to Taxpayers…

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Former CIA Official on Gitmo, Iraqi Elections and Iran Policy

Emile Nakhleh headed the CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program until leaving the agency in 2006. During his tenure, he briefed top officials on issues related to Iraq and Afghanistan,…

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Feds Raid Another Firm Linked to Congressman Murtha

I’ve been writing for years about the indecently close ties between House Democrat John Murtha and the defense lobbying firm PMA, so was not surprised to learn, via ABC News,…

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Did Secret Payments Secure Kyrgyz Military Base?

From Laura Rozen: As the Kyrgyz Republic threatens to kick the United States out of its Manas air base, which it has been using as a major logistics and supply…

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Local Media Barred From Plouffe Speech in Azerbaijan

As I reported here yesterday, David Plouffe, Barack Obama’s former campaign manager, jetted off to Azerbaijan to give a speech at a university. Plouffe claimed he went to the country…

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Will Defense Get Cut?

From Stephen Walt: Obama’s plan to cut the Department of Defense’s budget request by roughly ten percent is a step in the direction of a more sensible foreign and defense…

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David Plouffe and the Call of Oil

Barack Obama took office just a few weeks ago and already David Plouffe, his campaign manager, appears to be doing quite well for himself. He’s already signed a lucrative book…

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Former High Times Publisher on the Phelps-Bong “Scandal”

From Mike Edison at the Daily Beast: George W. Bush never had to answer for his “youthful indiscretions.” Michael Phelps, not so lucky. Having been caught red-handed with a smoking…

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Note to Taxpayers: You just lost 30 percent on the federal bailout

From the Washington Post: The Bush administration received assets that were worth $78 billion less than the amount it invested as part of the massive infusion of capital into the…

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Senator David Vitter and the Inevitability of STDs

Jon Stewart’s take on the debate surrounding the economic stimulus bill. Make sure to watch the section (around the 4:30 mark) on Senator Vitter and family planning.

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So Who Did He Pay Off?

From a Justice Department press release today: WASHINGTON – A government contractor and former employee of the U.S. Department of the Treasury was sentenced in Washington today in connection with…

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Senator Coleman’s Finances: Does anyone see a pattern here?

From Politico: Norm Coleman has a strong interest in convincing voters that he hasn’t given up hope of returning for a second Senate term. But as the fight over Minnesota’s…

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What to Expect at Panetta’s Confirmation Hearing

From Spencer Ackerman: Thursday afternoon is Panetta’s long-awaited confirmation hearing. As something of a cipher on intelligence matters, Panetta can expect a tough hearing. With the CIA intimately involved in…

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General Zinni Gets Shafted

From Laura Rozen: When retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni told the Washington Times today that he was offered the job of U.S. ambassador to Iraq before being passed over in…

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Obama Strategy for Managing G.O.P. Opposition: Cookies

Somehow, I doubt this approach is going to work. Obama won an overwhelming mandate, I wish he’d start acting like it. Can the shrill tone of Washington be changed through…

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Congressman Rangel Buys and Sells and Doesn’t Tell

From the Sunlight Foundation: House Ways and Means Chairman Charles B. Rangel predicted, on C-SPAN’s Newsmakers program that aired Sunday, Feb. 1, 2009, that his multitude of ethics woes would…

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