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Washington Babylon

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Foreign Policy has launched its newly revamped website, which has lots of great features, including two of my favorite bloggers: Laura Rozen on national security and foreign policy, and Marc…

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Will Hayden Stay at CIA?

Barack Obama still hasn’t gotten around to naming his CIA director, and there’s still talk that he might retain Michael Hayden. A former senior CIA official I spoke with thinks…

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Why Richardson Withdrew: Sí Se Puede

It’s not pretty. From the Washington Post: A grand jury in Albuquerque is looking into whether CDR Financial Products received a contract with the New Mexico Finance Authority because of…

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Why Israel Attacked

From Augustus Richard Norton and Sara Roy: Hamas’ strategic miscalculation in rejecting an extension to a six-month truce with Israel was a gift on a “golden platter” to Israel, as…

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Our Man in Kabul

From the New York Times: Kept afloat by billions of dollars in American and other foreign aid, the government of Afghanistan is shot through with corruption and graft. From the…

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The Internet War: Israel Spins The War Online

From Wired: Days after sending aircraft to strike Hamas militants in Gaza, the Israeli government is launching a campaign to dominate the blogosphere. Among other things, the Israeli military has…

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William Jefferson Scandal Link to Siemens Bribery Investigation?

A few days ago, I noted a joint ProPublica/New York Times story about a massive international bribery scandal involving German engineering giant Siemens. The company reportedly had an “annual bribery…

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Caroline Palin On The Campaign Trail

Andrew Sullivan writes: “Sarah Palin was more qualified to be vice-president than Caroline Kennedy is to be a Senator. Both are celebrities, but Palin made her own way herself, winning…

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Fundraising Hot Spots, From Washington to Vail

From the Sunlight Foundation: After months of paging through invitations we had a pretty good idea where the hottest party spots were for members of Congress and lobbyist donors. But…

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Chemical Weapons and Self-Defense

From the Seattle Times: Scientists have discovered a lotion that can save the lives of U.S. soldiers exposed to chemical weapons — a product vastly superior to the standard-issue decontamination…

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Correction on Larry Summers/Managed Funds Association

I posted an item a few weeks ago about Obama’s top White House economics adviser, Lawrence Summers, and the Managed Funds Association (MFA), the leading lobbying organization for the hedge…

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Vilsack’s Subsidies

From Politico: President-elect Obama has pledged to cut farm subsidies and embrace renewable fuels – two initiatives that hit close to the wallet of his newly unveiled pick for agriculture…

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The Clinton Foundation’s Many Donors

From the Associated Press: Former President Bill Clinton’s foundation has raised at least $46 million from Saudi Arabia and other foreign governments that his wife Hillary Rodham Clinton may end…

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New SEC Chair Caps Week Of Uninspired Obama Picks

I don’t know a lot about Mary Schapiro, Obama’s pick to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, but her bio doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence. Originally appointed to the…

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Who’s Getting Bailed Out?

From the Project on Government Oversight’s letter to congressional oversight committees: As you know, the TARP was created for the express purpose of buttressing the financial system by assisting institutions…

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Caroline Kennedy’s Inspiring Qualities

From the Washington Post: Famously private, [Caroline] Kennedy nonetheless emerged during the Obama campaign as a political force of her own. Along the way, friends and colleagues say, she discovered…

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Political Reporters Without Politics

From Politico: Time Managing Editor Richard Stengel, reacting on Monday to Jay Carney’s decision to leave the magazine for a job with the Obama administration, said that his outgoing Washington…

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The Three Stooges in Baghdad

Curly throws a pie at George Bush. Or was that a shoe?…

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More On Mexico’s Crime Spree

Speaking of crime and violence in Mexico, consider this number: 6,836. That’s the number of people killed in drug-related violence since 2007, more than the number of American fatalities in…

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Joe Biden’s (Tony) Snow Job

From the Washington Post: Time magazine’s Jay Carney, who said over the summer that Joseph R. Biden Jr. is “incredibly prone to say the wrong thing,” will soon be in…

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Mexico’s Kidnap Inc.

From the New York Times: An American security consultant who has helped negotiate the release of scores of kidnapping victims in Latin America was himself kidnapped last week in northern…

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More on Norm Coleman’s Friend and Renovator

So as I noted here earlier today, it turns out that Senator Norm Coleman’s home was renovated with the help of “Shari Wilsey, an interior designer. Wilsey, along with her…

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Senator Norm Coleman’s Growing List of Friends

From Fox TV in St. Paul: The FBI is now reportedly investigating the allegations that Nasser Kazeminy tried to funnel $75,000 in campaign contributions through the Senator’s wife. By why…

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The Entitled Kennedys: Handing down the family senate seat

From Froma Harrop: Have New York Democrats lost all self-respect? Their excited talk of whether Caroline Kennedy is “interested” in Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat makes you wonder. The late John…

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From the Dallas Morning News: After losing a valuable piece of online real estate to enterprising cyber-squatters, the Bush presidential library has replanted its flag into that e-territory. But the…

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Gaze Into Your Crystal Ball

From Foreign Policy‘s list of the ten worst predictions for 2008: “If [Hillary Clinton] gets a race against John Edwards and Barack Obama, she’s going to be the nominee. Gore…

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Eric Cantor: Friend of the little people

One of the more amusing story lines coming out of the elections is that the Republican Party, which previously had been committed to core beliefs like small government and protecting…

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Key Questions from Blagojevich-Jesse Jackson Story: Who was the emissary?

News stories yesterday identified Jesse Jackson Jr. as “Candidate 5” in the criminal complaint against Governor Rod Blagojevich. “Of the six candidates for the senate seat who are identified by…

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