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Washington Babylon

Like Father, Like Son?

From the New York Times: Federal authorities on Wednesday identified Democratic Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. of Illinois as the potential United States Senate candidate who was portrayed in court papers…

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Be On The Lookout: Illinois Governors have high propensity for crime

Number of men elected as Illinois governor since 1960: 7 Number who have been charged with criminal conduct: 4 Number who have served time in prison: 3 Number of years…

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Next Up for A Bail Out: Writers

The New York Times: A little while back my daughter told me the following depressing joke: Woman: What do you do? Man: Me? Oh, I write books. Woman: How interesting!…

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FBI Looking Into Ties Between Norm Coleman and Longtime Supporter

From the Pioneer Press: Federal investigators are looking into allegations that a longtime friend and benefactor tried to steer money to U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, the Pioneer Press has learned.…

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Mission Accomplished: Blagojevich Promised To “Rock The System”

From the Chicago Tribune, March 8, 2005: On pace to be the most prolific political fundraiser in Illinois history, Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Monday pledged to rein in the excesses…

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Who’s Who In The Blagojevich Complaint

From the Smoking Gun: In a November 11 conversation, Blagojevich remarked that he knew Obama wanted Valerie Jarrett, a longtime confidante, to succeed him, “but they’re not willing to give…

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Parental Warning: Uncensored Highlights From Blagojevich Complaint

A tip for finding the juiciest parts of the feds’ Blagojevic complaint: seach for the word “fuck.” A few examples: On November 11, 2008, ROD BLAGOJEVICH talked with JOHN HARRIS…

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Illinois Governor Arrested For Seeking To Sell Obama’s Senate Seat

From the Chicago Tribune: Gov. Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff John Harris were arrested today by FBI agents on federal corruption charges. Blagojevich and Harris were accused of…

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Dumb and Dumber: More UBS campaign contributions

Back in mid-September I noted here that a number of members of congress had accepted hefty campaign contributions from the American subsidiary of Swiss giant UBS. That seemed odd since…

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A Campaign Slogan For Chris Matthews: Blowhard for Senate

David Sirota apparently won’t be supporting Chris Matthews if the latter decides to run for the senate in Pennsylvania: Having grown up outside of Philadelphia, I just want to say…

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Congressman Rangel’s Family Finances

The latest news on Congressman Charles Rangel’s murky finances, from Politico: Between 2004 and 2007, Rep. Charles Rangel steered nearly $80,000 in campaign cash to an Internet company run by…

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Harper’s Scott Horton At NYU Event Thursday

Just a reminder that the incomparable Scott Horton will be joined by a team of legal experts tomorrow at New York University, for a panel called “After Torture: A Harper’s…

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Farewell to the Windfall Profits Tax

That was fast. “I’ll make oil companies like Exxon pay a tax on their windfall profits, and we’ll use the money to help families pay for their skyrocketing energy costs…

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Press Commentators and Financial Ties

The recent New York Times‘s story on the tangled business interests of General Barry McCaffrey has resulted in heavy criticism of NBC News, where McCaffrey serves as a military analyst…

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The Wade Five

I posted an item earlier today speculating on the names of the five members of congress that Duke Cunningham briber Mitch Wade has discussed with federal investigators. Seth Hettena, who…

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The Auto Industry: What went wrong?

From Barry Lynn, a regular Harper’s contributor, at the Detroit Free Press: Viewed over the long haul, the all but complete bankrupting of the Big Three is a stunning event.…

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Tracking Obama Transition Donors: A family united

A post-election story last month from Bloomberg identified health insurer UnitedHealth Group as a likely winner under the Obama administration. The company would “get more customers, including some they now…

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About Obama’s Team: Cabinet picks do matter

Face it: if you’re a self-described Democratic Party progressive, Barack Obama’s picks for top spots in his administration look pretty grim thus far. Lawrence Summers and Timothy Geithner are disciples…

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Mitch Wade Talked To Feds About Which Five Members of Congress?

As I noted here the other day, Seth Hettena has reported that Mitchell Wade, the man who bribed Randy “Duke” Cunningham and “then did much to speed the congressman’s spectacular…

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Accountability, There and Here

There: India’s highest-ranking security official resigned on Sunday, as the government began to reckon with the fallout from a three-day standoff with militants that raised troubling questions about India’s vulnerability…

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McCaffrey’s War

From the New York Times: Through seven years of war an exclusive club has quietly flourished at the intersection of network news and wartime commerce. Its members, mostly retired generals,…

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Summers and Hedge Funds

After being named as Barack Obama’s top White House economics adviser, Lawrence Summers resigned from his post as a managing director of D.E. Shaw & Co, a leading hedge fund.…

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How Many More Crooks In Congress?

A scoop from Seth Hettena: Mitchell Wade, the man who bribed Randy “Duke” Cunningham and then did much to speed the congressman’s spectacular fall, is asking a judge to sentence…

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Defeating Nazis, Stopping Holocaust, Cost Less Than Wall Street Bailout

Some astonishing figures in an item by Barry Ritholz (via Andrew Sullivan): The cost to the United States of helping defeat Adolf Hitler, liberate Europe from fascist rule and halt…

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Press Bubble: How the media covered Citicorp’s fatal 1998 merger

It’s now generally deemed that the 1998 merger between Citicorp and Travelers Group was a pivotal moment in the current implosion of the nation’s economy. “The combination of Citibank with…

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Dick Morris Triangulates Reverend Wright

From Politico: Dick Morris was a fixture on Fox News during the campaign and a small, but significant amount of his time in the waning days was spent singing the…

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Democrats On K Street: How supply and demand works in Washington

I noted here recently that Democrats were in hot demand at Washington lobbying firms, including a former “intern” of Joe Biden’s who signed up to represent a big financial firm.…

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Rangel’s Tax Policy: Help Thyself

Congressman Charles Rangel has improperly received a tax break on a house he owns in Washington, didn’t disclose or pay taxes on rental income from a beachfront property he owns…

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