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Washington Babylon

Six Questions for Nate Silver on Polls and the Election

Nate Silver is the founder of the popular website and a writer, analyst, and partner at a sports media company called Baseball Prospectus. He developed a system called PECOTA,…

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McCain’s “Bittergate”: Fallows on the Contingencies article

The current uproar about John McCain’s remarks on health care is as dumb as the earlier uproar over Barack Obama and the “bittergate” scandal. McCain’s views on deregulation are important,…

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The Jackass in Red: Meet the G.O.P.’s most famous convention delegate ever

Gabriel Nathan Schwartz rocketed to national prominence when he was drugged by a hooker and robbed of $50,000 while serving as a delegate to the Republican National Convention. But Schwartz…

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Self-Shill: Ashgabat Calling

From my new piece in the October issue of Wallpaper*, on a recent trip to Ashgabat, the political and cultural hub (as it were) of Turkmenistan. The article is not…

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Galbraith on Stock Market Crashes and Stuffed Shirts

John Kenneth Galbraith wrote this in 1954, in his book The Great Crash, and it still rings true today: In the autumn of 1929 the mightiest of Americans were, for…

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How bad is the economy? Don’t jump, but “We’re going to have to redefine what we mean by normal growth”

The government bails out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG. Lehman Brothers goes bankrupt and Merrill Lynch is sold. Stocks are tanking with the Dow Jones down by 22 percent…

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Punditry and Wishful Thinking

I’m taking part in the Online 100, a panel put together by, a terrific website that offers breaking political news and analysis. The Online 100, which is meant to…

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“Submersion Journalism”: Book Event at New York University on Wednesday

Submersion Journalism: Reporting in the Radical First Person from Harper’s Magazine, a collection of fifteen pieces from the magazine, is about to go on sale. One of my stories is…

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Congress Still Taking Money From UBS Despite Multiple Investigations

Speaking of huge contributions to politicians from Wall Street, you’d think members of Congress would by now be reluctant to accept donations from the American subsidiary of Swiss giant UBS.…

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A Bipartisan Guide to the Financial Collapse: Who’s not taking money from Merrill and Lehman?

“Both the Republicans and Democrats have given the financial services industry everything it wanted. The finance sector has endless amounts of money to influence politics and can outgun the bank…

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McCain Strategy: “These Little Facts Don’t Matter”

From today’s Washington Post, which cited Sarah Palin’s repeated claims that she fought the Bridge to Nowhere as an example of “a candidate staying on message even when that message…

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Criminal Ingratitude: Congressman Doolittle’s aide complains about poor view from stadium skybox

Here’s a lovely nugget from the fed’s indictment of Kevin Ring, the former aide to California Congressman John Doolittle who after becoming a lobbyist worked closely with Jack Abramoff. Ring…

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Sarah Palin Still a “Stay at Home” Mom at Heart: Which netted her almost $17K from Alaska state coffers

From the Washington Post: Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a “per diem”…

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Stanley in Africa: Former Halliburton exec’s history of bribes and kickbacks

From ProPublica and PBS’ “Frontline” In the world of Big Oil, Albert “Jack” Stanley was legendary for winning billion-dollar contracts in Third World countries as the Halliburton (HAL, news, msgs)…

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Does McCain Campaign Chair’s Lobby Shop Share Skybox with AT&T?

There are two great American pastimes: baseball and sucking up to huge corporations. It appears that McCain Campaign Chair Rick Davis has found a way to combine the two. There’s…

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Torture and Logic

A lot of prisoners had it much worse—a lot of—a lot of prisoners had it much worse than I did. I’d been mistreated before, but not as badly as many…

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Palin’s Vetting: Five Colleges, None Contacted by McCain

I’ve heard of the five-year plan to graduate from college, but this is the first time I’ve heard of the five-college plan. Yes, that’s the number of different colleges that…

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Alaska: More Diverse than G.O.P. Convention

Sarah Palin must have felt right at home last night during her speech to the G.O.P. convention: there were almost no black people. African Americans make up only 3.7 percent…

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Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Rove

Karl Rove thinks that a president who would pick as his running mate a former small-town mayor and state governor with little experience would be making “an intensely political choice”…

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She’s Not Just a Russia Scholar: Palin’s foreign-policy expertise includes Ireland

From the Boston Globe: Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin got her first passport in 2006 and has visited just four countries, and she had little involvement in her state’s…

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Three Cheers for Teen Pregnancy

From Lawrence Auster, about the “warm embracing response of Christian conservatives to the Bristol announcement”: Over and over, there’s no disapproval at all of Bristol’s pregnancy. To the contrary, there…

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“A Blessing to America”: Joe Lieberman’s effusive endorsement (of Obama)

Joe Lieberman really knows how to heap on the praise: “He is a blessing to the United States senate, to America and to our shared hopes for a better, safer…

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Karl Rove to Chris Wallace: “I think I’m with you”

John McCain’s camp is attacking the media for having the audacity to question Sarah Palin’s foreign policy experience, even though — as the GOP talking points go — her stellar…

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In Case of Palin, Hypocrisy Might Have Been Easier to Understand

Quite a few news stories and op-eds about the pregnancy of Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter have touched on the issue of the alleged “hypocrisy” of the G.O.P. vice-presidential nominee. But…

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Free Hookers and Blow For G.O.P. Convention Revelers

From ABC News: As residents of New Orleans were fleeing Hurricane Gustav, top Republican party officials donned pink boas and swigged vodka shots at a wild whirl of corporate and…

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What Would Newt Do?

From James Wolcott: Jake Tapper asks: “What would the response be if Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, and his wife Michelle had a pregnant unmarried teenage daughter?” I can answer that.…

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Palin and Her Pastors: “Those that die without Christ have a horrible, horrible surprise”

During the 2008 campaign the beliefs of various candidates’ spiritual mentors has attracted a great deal of attention, especially those of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and to a lesser extent…

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Blog Break

Ken Silverstein is traveling. Washington Babylon will return next week.

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