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Washington Babylon

Bipartisan Policy Center: We are not boring

Gil Troy, a professor of history at McGill University and Visiting Scholar at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), writes: In his Washington Babylon item of August 18), Ken Silverstein wonders…

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How Hunt Oil Buys and Sell(s)

Remember those stories last month about how the Bush administration seemed to give Hunt Oil a wink before it signed a controversial deal in Kurdistan? “Bush administration officials knew that…

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Your Essential Guide to the Political Conventions

Change a few names and places, and this wonderful piece in the Weekly Standard by Andrew Ferguson is just as perfect in August of 2008 as it was when he…

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Biden Blatherfest: Read Glenn Greenwald, skip the rest

According to various headlines gathered from RealClearPolitics, Barack Obama’s selection of Joe Biden to be his VP was either “the Perfect Pick” or “A Good Pick…for Republicans,” not to mention…

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The “Crescendo” Recedes: Public indifferent to Biden’s selection

During the past few weeks, thousands of reporters and commentators have produced countless stories feverishly speculating about who Barack Obama would pick to be his vice presidential nominee. “Obama Veep…

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Penetrating Campaign Insights from the Washington Post and CNN

“Market share dictates the witless coverage, which is largely for the media’s own amusement,” Chris Lehmann said in an interview posted here yesterday. “You see that all the time on…

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Olympics Chief OK on China jailing grannies, but really annoyed by Jamaican sprinter’s celebration

During the run-up to the Olympics and beyond, Jacques Rogge, the president of the International Olympic Committee, uttered barely a word of criticism about the Chinese government. China breaks its…

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Six Questions for Chris Lehmann on “Moronic” Campaign Coverage and the “Press Bubble”

Chris Lehmann is a senior editor at CQ and a co-editor at Bookforum. He was formerly a columnist of the New York Observer and deputy editor of Washington Post Book…

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Congressman Murtha’s Racket: Pork and influence peddling or jobs and growth?

Several Pennsylvania residents wrote in about yesterday’s post on how lobbyists and defense contractors with ties to Congressman John Murtha have such extraordinary success winning earmarks out of his House…

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China Nabs Another Gold Medal: Government sets new record for jailing Olympics protesters

The New York Times reported yesterday that the Chinese government had refused to allow a single demonstration in any of the official “protest zones” it had created for the Olympic…

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Convicted Felon: Congressional ethics bill filled with loopholes

From The Hill: Former Representative Bob Ney (R., Ohio) said Wednesday that the lobbying bill passed in the wake of the Jack Abramoff scandal that sent him to prison probably…

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The Murtha Rules: A simple system to win federal money

Congressman John Murtha of Pennsylvania has long been one of the biggest porkbarrelers in Congress, and as the chairman of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee he is also one of…

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Congressman Vern Buchanan: Would you buy a used car from this man?

From a complaint filed today by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, against Congressman Vern Buchanan (R., Fl.): Rep. Buchanan owns several car dealerships in Florida. In September 2005,…

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Olympic Protests: Another Triumph for Jacques Rogge’s “Silent Diplomacy”

Ever since Beijing was awarded the right to host the Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee has been talking about the beneficial impact this would have on human rights in…

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The Bipartisan Policy Center’s Two Party System

Is there a more boring organization in America than the corporate-sponsored Bipartisan Policy Center, which is hosting big ticket events to both the Democratic and Republican conventions? The Center was…

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I’ll Have My Tie, With a Side Order of Fries

As the crisis in the Caucasus grows, Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili enjoys a snack. This does not inspire a great deal of confidence in the Georgian leader’s ability to hold…

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Alan Greenspan: The maestro has no wand

From today’s Washington Post: It’s been nearly a decade since Greenspan’s stock hit its all-time high with the now-famous Time magazine cover during the Asian financial crisis — the one…

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Change We Can Believe In? Democratic keynoter biggest recipient of lobbying money

From the Sunlight Foundation: Mark Warner, who’s running for Virginia’s open seat to the U.S. Senate and will serve as the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention in Denver,…

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Travel Advisory for Pakistan: Don’t carry your satellite phone

From Doug Frantz at the Washington Independent: Al Qaeda and the Taliban are executing suspected U.S. informants in Pakistan in a campaign to terrorize potential spies and reinforce the authority…

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In New Interview, John Edwards Reveals All

Finally, John Edwards gives a candid interview about his extramarital affair.

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Good Georgia vs. Fascist Russia? Maybe it’s not that simple

From Mark Ames in The Nation: Up until now, this war was framed as a simple tale of Good Helpless Democratic Guy Georgia versus Bad Savage Fascist Guy Russia. In…

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More Hot Air From David Broder on Speaking Fees

David Broder answered questions from Washington Post readers today during an online chat, and was asked about his acceptance of speaking fees from private groups, a topic I first raised…

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NBC: Nothing Bad about China

From the Washington Post: Political protests? Not on this channel; no sir. Beijing’s fearful pollution? Maybe, but only if a marathoner coughs up a lung or it spoils a beauty…

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What Was Putin Thinking?

Note from a reader: Where on earth did Putin get the idea that he could just manufacture a non-existent crisis, invade a sovereign nation and overthrow its government just because…

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John Edwards Ends Fling With Anti-Poverty Center

Once upon a time John Edwards wanted to be president. “Poverty,” he said back then, “is the great moral issue of our century,” he told a group of students at…

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NBC’s Olympics, Brought to You By Henry Kissinger

“Through NBC, GE has paid hundreds of million of dollars to broadcast the Olympics,” Arvind Ganesan of Human Rights Watch said in an interview here recently. “Will we see tough…

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How Low Can Jacques Rogge Sink? Beijing and the spirit of ’36

In an editorial last week the New York Times suggested that the International Olympic Committee, in its ceaseless shilling for China in the run-up to the games, had proven itself…

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National Enquirer Publishes John Edwards Pix

This has not yet been authenticated but the National Enquirer must be pretty confident about this story on John Edwards and his alleged “lovechild.” After all, Edwards is a trial…

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