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Portion of Americans who say that the election was one of the most stressful events of 2024

: 3/5

Who say that they didn’t care who won and “just wanted it to be over”

: 3/10

Factor by which the average wait for the Senate to confirm a political appointee has increased since 1981

: 4

Portion of positions requiring Senate confirmation that were vacant as of March 2024

: 1/5

Of such positions at the Department of Homeland Security

: 1/3

Estimated percentage of corporate spending in the 2024 election that came from the cryptocurrency industry

: 44

Percentage of Americans who own cryptocurrency

: 7

Percentage change since 1982 in the portion of profits that U.S. corporations spend on philanthropy

: −37

Percentage change since 2021 in the portion of Americans with a favorable opinion of Elon Musk

: +25

Estimated percentage change since 2022 in preorders of new iPhones

: −27

Portion of Americans aged 18–30 on social media who describe themselves as influencers

: 1/4

Portion of self-described influencers who have never been paid for this work

: 1/2

Percentage of Israelis who say that social-media posts criticizing their government should be censored

: 50

Who say that expressions of sympathy for civilians in Gaza should be

: 59

Percentage of Jewish U.S. college students who say that accusing Israel of human-rights violations is anti-Semitic

: 45

Factor by which enrollment in the largest Jewish conversion program in the United States increased in the past year

: 3

Portion of scientists who stop publishing research within five years of their first paper

: 1/3

Estimated percentage of academic articles on mathematics published last year that were partially written by AI

: 5

Of academic articles on computer science

: 18

Estimated amount of energy, in kilowatt-hours, that was used to discover a new prime number last year

: 3,100,000

Estimated number of U.S. households this amount of energy could power for a year

: 287

Percentage of FEMA’s 2025 disaster-relief budget that was spent in the first eight days of the fiscal year

: 48

Percentage by which the rise in the average cost of day care in the United States outpaced the rate of inflation last year

: 160

Portion of American men who are interested in taking birth control

: 4/5

Who would be willing to try birth control this year if it went on the market today

: 1/2

Who would be willing to try it if it involved an invasive procedure

: 1/10

Estimated portion of global steel demand that the Saudi megacity Neom will account for by 2045

: 1/5

Estimated number of workers who have died since 2016 constructing Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 megaprojects

: 21,000

Percentage change over the past year in the portion of Americans who see Saudi Arabia as a U.S. ally

: +73

Number of people executed in the United States between September 20 and 26 last year

: 5

Most recent year in which this many Americans were executed in a single week

: 2003

Rank of mental illness among the strongest demographic predictors of an American plotting an act of terrorism

: 2

Portion of Americans who say they go to great lengths to avoid conflict

: 7/10

Who believe that World War III is imminent

: 4/5

Percentage change since 2013 in U.S. box-office revenue for comedy movies

: −31
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