Portion of South Koreans who say they would support North Korea in a war with Japan
: 1/2Estimated number of drones that governments worldwide will purchase in the next decade for combat use
: 1,800For surveillance use
: 75,000Percentage of nonmilitary drones for sale in the United States that were manufactured in China
: 80Minimum number of products that are available for purchase on Amazon
: 500,000,000Estimated percentage of New York City apartments that receive at least one package every day
: 15Minimum number of contractors employed by Google to evaluate the usefulness of search results
: 10,000Number of changes that Google made to its search algorithm and interface in 2018
: 3,234Portion of U.S. voting precincts that rely on electronic voting machines that leave no paper trail
: 1/10Number of U.S. states that use a mobile voting app
: 1Percentage of American men who say they would not feel “very comfortable” with a woman as president
: 51Of American women who say so
: 41Estimated number of Americans who have lost a friend or family member since 2014 because health care was too costly
: 34,000,000Factor by which this is more likely to be true of a Democrat than a Republican
: 3Factor by which the amount a U.S. insurer pays for a flu shot can vary depending on where it is administered
: 3Factor by which an American adult is more likely to go out of network for mental health care than for medical care
: 5Estimated percentage of Americans who have an autoimmune disease
: 15Who can name an autoimmune disease
: 15Percentage of unemployed Americans receiving unemployment benefits in 2000
: 37In 2018
: 28Estimated value of extra expenses that an average American household incurs as a result of oligopolies
: $5,000Percentage of civil defendants in U.S. general-jurisdiction courts who had lawyers in 1992
: 95Who have lawyers today
: 46Of Mexico
: 2Number of refugees resettled in the United States in October
: 0Number of countries in which the annual number of tourists outnumbers residents
: 41Percentage of Americans aged 13 to 38 who would be willing to post sponsored content to their social-media accounts
: 86Who would become a social-media influencer if given the opportunity
: 54Factor by which the number of social-media influencers using the word “anxiety” increased from 2016 to 2019
: 3Minimum number of apps that promise to help people find friend
: 22Percentage of Americans with siblings who think their mother has a favorite child
: 33Percentage of those Americans who believe they are the favorite
: 30Factor by which men are more likely than women to believe they are the favorite
: 2Percentage of Americans aged 18 to 34 who say they have witnessed ageism in the workplace
: 52Of Americans aged 55 and older
: 39Number of pending patent applications for variations of the phrase “OK, Boomer”
: 6