Percentage of Americans who operate doors and sinks in public restrooms with paper towels to avoid germs
: 65Who flush with their feet
: 44Who hover over the toilet seat
: 29Portion of global ocean currents that have sped up since 1990
: 3/4Average percentage by which those currents have accelerated
: 10Number of hurricane names that have been officially retired
: 89Number of countries that are carbon-negative
: 2Number of times that the price of an average U.S. domestic flight changes in a week
: 59Average percentage by which the price fluctuates with each change
: 25Minimum number of motor vehicles that crashed into non-residential buildings in the United States last year
: 20,000Minimum number of people inside those buildings who were killed
: 500Percentage of time that ride-hailing vehicles on Manhattan streets lack passengers
: 40That taxis on Manhattan streets do
: 35Estimated number of Americans who spend at least three hours commuting each day
: 4,300,000Percentage of American commuters who “typically” use their commuting time to work
: 14Percentage of Americans who believe that enjoying one’s career is essential to a fulfilling life for a man
: 57For a woman
: 46Percentage of Democrats who believe that their personal finances will improve over the next year
: 60Of Republicans who do
: 83Percentage of Americans who say they are better off now than when President Trump took office
: 61Who said they were better off during President Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign than they were when he took office
: 45Number of current members of the Trump Administration who have worked as Fox News contributors
: 7Portion of Trump’s 2019 tweets that were live responses to Fox News or Fox Business programs
: 1/10Chance that an American has received a government document in the mail that he or she didn’t understand
: 1 in 4Percentage of Americans aged 65 and over who say it’s unlikely that they will fill out a census form
: 6Of Americans aged 18 to 34 who say so
: 13Rank of African Americans among demographic groups most likely to fear that census information will be used against them
: 2Rank of Asian Americans
: 1Factor by which the number of physical records in the National Archives has increased since 1991
: 3By which the number of electronic records has increased since then
: 1,654Estimated number of years the National Archives will spend reviewing materials for George W. Bush’s presidential library
: 250Factor by which Americans go to the library more often than they go to the movies
: 2Percentage decrease from 2008 to 2017 in the number of full-time U.S. public school librarian positions
: 26Percentage increase between 2014 and 2018 in health care costs for Americans with employer-sponsored health insurance
: 18In the average retail price of prescription medicine
: 21Average U.S. retail price for a vial of prescription insulin
: $400Average Craigslist price for one
: $30Estimated amount that Utah spent last year sending public employees to Mexico to buy cheaper medicine
: $250,000Estimated number of dead-end streets in the world
: 17,680,000Portion of those dead ends that are in the United States
: 1/4