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Percentage by which U.S. adults are more likely to say their mother was a greater moral influence on them than their father was

: 86

By which they are more likely to say their father was a greater political influence on them than their mother was

: 130

Percentage decrease since 2018 in the portion of Americans who say there are too few women in high political offices

: 10

Percentage of Americans who say their federal income taxes were too high this year

: 60

Year in which Americans were last this critical of federal income-tax rates

: 2001

Portion of hiring managers who say they knowingly ask illegal questions during job interviews

: 1/3

Percentage of U.S. CEOs who say they get enough sleep

: 77

Percentage of U.S. board chairs who say so

: 100

Percentage of stadiums in U.S. men’s major sports leagues that were named for a corporate sponsor in the first half of the 1990s

: 7

Estimated value of U.S. coins lost in the garbage each year

: $67,000,000

Hours of minimum-wage labor that it would take to afford a Christmas greeting card from a Virginia prison commissary

: 2.96

To afford a Ramadan greeting card

: 8.63

Percentage of people executed by lethal injection in Georgia since 1977 who were black

: 30

Percentage of botched lethal injections in Georgia since 1977 in which the person being executed was black

: 86

Minimum number of cases in which U.S. police officers were charged with selling, dealing, or trafficking drugs since 2005

: 628

In which U.S. police officers were charged with sex-related crimes

: 3,663

Percentage of these sex-related offenses that were perpetrated by officers who had previously faced criminal charges

: 41

Most common age of victims of sexual abuse by U.S. police officers

: 15

Percentage increase in the portion of chronically absent U.S. public school students since 2015

: 73

Portion of U.S. public school teachers who say their school had at least one gun-related lockdown last year

: 1/4

Percentage who believe that arming teachers would be effective in preventing shootings

: 13

Percentage who believe that improved mental-health screening and treatment would be effective

: 69

Percentage of U.S. teenagers who say they feel anxious without their phones

: 44

Who say they feel peaceful

: 72

Percentage decrease over the past year in the portion of Americans aged 18 to 34 who have a favorable opinion of Israel

: 41

Number of confirmed killings of Palestinian journalists and media workers since October 7

: 92

Number of other confirmed killings of journalists and media workers around the world during that period

: 9

Number of reported killings of aid workers in Gaza during that period

: 244

Average number of aid workers killed worldwide each year in the past decade

: 123

Portion of land previously used for agriculture in Gaza that was destroyed between October 7 and March 2024

: 2/5

Portion of common fruits and vegetables sold in the United States that contain dangerous levels of pesticides

: 1/5

Estimated number of hot dogs eaten per second in the United States between Memorial Day and Labor Day each year

: 818

Percentage of U.S. voters who believe Trump would perform better than Biden in a hot-dog-eating contest

: 58

Who believe Trump would be better than Biden at changing a diaper

: 24

Percentage of likely Trump voters who say that a conviction in his New York criminal trial would not affect their vote for him

: 62

Who say that it would make them even more likely to vote for him

: 26

Portion of Americans who say they would support their state’s secession from the Union

: 1/4

Percentage increase over the past fifty years in the number of Americans who say they would like to move to another country

: 240

Percentage increase in fireworks sales in the United States since 2000

: 203
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