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Rank of that rate of increase among the lowest under any president since Truman

: 1

Percentage of Russians who say having a strong leader is more important than having democracy

: 57

Number of days a juvenile penguin eluded Japanese authorities after escaping from an aquarium in March

: 82

Of Japanese cabinet members

: 1/17

Portion of U.S. cabinet members

: 1/4

Portion of French president Fran?ois Hollande’s new cabinet members who are women

: 1/2

Estimated percentage of jokes made by female managers that get laughs, according to a British study

: 20

Rank of rhinoplasty among the most common cosmetic surgical procedures performed on British men

: 1

Number of bullets fired at human targets by German police in 2011

: 36

Tons of Greek-style yogurt spilled on a New York State highway after a truck crash in May

: 18

Rank of the United States among the world’s largest exporters of human sperm

: 1

Factor by which the number of American babies born addicted to opiates has increased since 2000

: 3

Percentage increase in average annual federal spending during the Obama Administration

: 2.4

Cost of staging the 2012 London Olympic Games as estimated by the British government in 2003

: $3,700,000,000

Cost as currently estimated by the British government

: $14,600,000,000

As estimated by an independent study

: $37,000,000,000

Date after which 2012 London Olympic Games athletes will be banned from promoting any brand, product, or service on Twitter

: 7/15/2012

Estimated number of “brand police” tasked with covering over logos and monitoring social media during the games

: 250

Percentage change over the past fifty years in the number of hours U.S. college students spend working

: +44

In the number of hours they spend studying

: ???59

Percentage of top 40 songs from the 1960s that were written in a major key

: 85

Portion of all Americans with hepatitis C who were born between 1945 and 1965

: 2/3

Projected gross revenue of the U.S. fertility industry in 2013

: $4,260,000,000

Chance that an American between the ages of 18 and 34 thinks Facebook is “likely to fade away”

: 1 in 2

Number of private U.S. citizens killed in terrorist attacks in 2010

: 15

Percentage of U.S. veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan seeking disability benefits

: 45

Amount that Pakistan fined each of Osama bin Laden’s widows for their illegal stay in the country

: $110

Average number of years each exonerated felon spent in prison

: 11

Number of reopened U.S. felony investigations that have resulted in exoneration since 1989

: 901

Number of accidental 911 calls made in New York City last year by cell phones in pockets or purses

: 3,910,373

For wearing “clothes commonly used in a crime”

: 31,555

Number of people stopped and frisked by the NYPD in 2011 for “furtive movements”

: 351,739

Percentage of Americans who believe that anti-American speech should be protected by the Constitution

: 45

Minimum number of U.S. states whose constitutions forbid atheists from holding public office

: 6
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