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Percentage by which U.S. adults are more likely to agree with the Republicans’ economic platform than the Democrats’

: 40

By which they are more likely to agree with the Republicans’ criminal justice platform

: 33

With their foreign policy platform

: 12

Percentage by which Democrats are more likely than Republicans to support Ukraine joining NATO

: 70

Portion of Americans who oppose sending U.S. troops to Ukraine

: 3/5

Percentage increase since 2000 in the number of online headlines denoting fear

: 150

Minimum portion of Americans who try not to read, watch, or listen to the news

: 2/5

Factor by which the average cost of a home in the United States is higher than the average salary

: 8

Percentage increase over the past year in the rejection rate of U.S. loan applicants

: 22

Portion of renters who think the rental market has a negative effect on their career progression

: 7/10

Who think it has negatively affected their life plans

: 9/10

Percentage of Americans whose decision to move in with a partner was influenced by money

: 47

Percentage of Gen Z-ers and millennials who say they regret moving in with a romantic partner

: 42

Who say that moving in with a romantic partner too early has led to a breakup

: 1/3

Portion of Gen Z-ers and millennials who are encouraged by friends to overspend

: 1/3

Who say it’s important that their friends earn as much as they do

: 3/10

Percentage of millennials who have taken on debt because of a friend

: 88

Percentage of Americans who believe that a four-year college degree is not worth the cost

: 56

Portion of all U.S. student-loan debt that is held by women

: 2/3

Number of years by which it takes a woman, on average, longer than it takes a man to pay off student loans

: 2

Percentage change since 2004 in Google searches questioning one’s sexuality and gender

: +1,300

Percentage of people who can accurately identify straight men by the sound of their voice

: 46

Percentage of cases in which AI is able to successfully determine a person’s sexual orientation

: 83

Minimum amount that consumers have spent on AI romantic partners

: $60,000,000

Percentage of Americans who know how their parents met

: 63

Who think it’s easier to meet a romantic partner today than it was when their parents met

: 15

Who think it’s harder

: 46

Percentage of patients who received Botox last year who were younger than 35

: 27

Percentage by which the number of Americans seeking mental health treatment has increased over the past two decades

: 154

Percentage by which exercise has been found more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy in treating anxiety

: 14

Percentage change since 2002 in the number of Americans who consider community activities very important

: +72

In the number of Americans who consider religion very important

: −11

Percentage of Democrats who believe in the devil

: 44

Who believe in angels

: 60

Percentage of U.S. adults who think intelligent life will be discovered on another planet in the next fifty years

: 40

Who think the United States will wage war in space in the next fifty years

: 44

Who think space tourism will be routine in the next fifty years

: 55

Who would be interested in orbiting Earth themselves

: 35

Percentage by which men are more likely than women to say this

: 84
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