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Portion of Americans who wouldn’t be “at all surprised” if the genocide of a religious group occurred in the United States

: 1/3

Who believe that society should be “burned to the ground”

: 1/3

Rank of Brazil among countries with the highest amount of annual forest depletion

: 2

Number of species classified as threatened or endangered under Republican administrations since 1993

: 77

Estimated number of Americans who were displaced by natural disasters last year

: 1,200,000

Factor by which a French person is more likely than an American to believe that vaccines are unsafe

: 3

Number of European countries that the W.H.O. no longer considers to have eradicated measles as of this year

: 4

Percentage of cases in which parents or caregivers of children who die from being left in hot cars are charged with a crime

: 55

Minimum number of U.S. sites at which parents can anonymously deposit a baby they are unable or unwilling to care for

: 19

Percentage by which married mothers who work outside the home experience slower memory decline than those who do not

: 65

Percentage of British adults who believe men have stronger sex drives than women

: 42

Who believe women have stronger sex drives than men

: 2

Percentage of Power Five college fight songs that include the words “men,” “boys,” or “sons”

: 36

Minimum number of Afghan civilians killed this year by the Afghan military and international forces

: 577

Number of national border walls worldwide at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall

: 15

Number of individuals ICE has detained since 2012 whom the agency admits may have been U.S. citizens

: 1,488

Number of days for which one citizen was detained

: 1,273

Average number of times per week Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is mentioned on Fox News

: 42

Number of states whose supreme court benches are all white

: 24

Number of those states in which at least a quarter of the population consists of people of color

: 8

Number of sitting U.S. governors who are black

: 0

Number of U.S. governors who have apologized this year for wearing blackface

: 2

Total number of state-level recall elections from 1908 to 2009

: 25

Percentage of Democratic voters who cite a personal characteristic as the most important factor in selecting a president

: 28

Who cite a policy consideration

: 27

Number of Democratic congresspeople with “A” ratings from the N.R.A. after the 2008 elections

: 67

With “A” ratings after the 2018 midterms

: 3

Number of states that prohibit local governments from enacting gun regulations beyond existing state laws

: 43

Estimated average percentage by which marijuana in California is more expensive if purchased legally

: 77

Estimated percentage of California marijuana sales that were made through legal channels last year

: 22

Minimum number of U.S. universities that have offered courses related to the marijuana industry

: 14

Rank of subscription television services among forty-six major U.S. industries in terms of customer satisfaction

: 46
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