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Hypothetical median income of full-time U.S. workers if income were distributed as evenly as it was in 1975

: $92,000

Actual median income of full-time U.S. workers

: $50,000

Percentage change since last year in the number of U.S. homes for sale

: -35

Percentage of Americans aged 18 to 29 who live with one or both of their parents

: 52

Rank of this percentage among the highest ever recorded in the United States

: 1

Portion of Americans who believe that someone will become a trillionaire during their lifetime

: 1/2

Percentage of unpaid taxes that are owed by the richest one percent of Americans

: 70

Factor by which the richest one percent of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 50 percent

: 2

Metric tons by which Donald Trump’s deregulatory policies will increase greenhouse-gas concentrations by 2035

: 1,800,000,000

Factor by which this exceeds Germany’s annual emissions output

: 2

Portion of utility companies worldwide that are expanding the production of gas or coal more quickly than renewables

: 9/10

Portion of Americans who have been exposed to unhealthy air this year as a result of wildfires

: 1/7

Number of the twenty largest wildfires in California’s history that occurred this year

: 5

Percentage of Americans who think climate change poses a risk to people living in the United States

: 61

Who think it poses a risk to them personally

: 43

Percentage of coronavirus deaths that the average American believes occur among those aged 44 and younger

: 30

Percentage of coronavirus deaths that have occurred among those aged 44 and younger

: 3

Percentage of Americans with symptomatic COVID-19 who deny having symptoms when asked by others

: 34

Percentage by which men are more likely to try to conceal their symptoms than women

: 32

Percentage by which someone who trusts Fox News more than CNN was more likely in May to visit someone else’s home

: 9

To have a visitor over to their own home

: 14

To attend a gathering of more than ten people

: 10

Portion of Democratic or Democratic-leaning Americans who are trying to “tune out” coronavirus news

: 1/5

Of Republican or Republican-leaning Americans who are

: 2/5

Percentage of immigrant television characters last year who were portrayed as victims or perpetrators of a crime

: 22

Who were portrayed as undocumented or seeking asylum

: 63

Estimated percentage of U.S. immigrants who are undocumented or seeking asylum

: 24

Percentage of people arrested by the NYPD before the department implemented racial-bias training who were black

: 47

Percentage after the department implemented racial-bias training who were

: 48

Percentage of U.S. adults who think integrating the suburbs would “very likely” lead to more crime and lower property values

: 13

Who consider those outcomes “not at all likely”

: 23

Percentage of U.S. Black Lives Matter protests in which no people were harmed and no property was damaged

: 93

Percentage of Americans who say that protests by athletes make them less likely to watch games

: 36

Who say protests make them more likely to watch

: 12

Number of hours it takes for the average American to “unwind” after work on Fridays

: 2

Time on Sundays at which the average American begins to feel anxiety about work

: 3:58 pm

Factor by which Americans are more likely to say that this summer was the worst of their lives than the best

: 8
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