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Diagnose This

How to be your own best doctor

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Nothing Left

The long, slow surrender of American liberals

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Wrong Answer

The case against Algebra II

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The Devil’s Bait

Symptoms, signs, and the riddle of Morgellons

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Poetry Slam

Or, The decline of American verse

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Blinded by the Right?

How hippie Christians begat evangelical conservatives

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Sentimental Medicine

Why we still fear vaccines

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Our Place in the Universe

Face to face with the infinite

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Ignorance of Things Past

Who wins and who loses when we forget American history

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Abraham’s Children

Toward a right of return for Palestinians

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After 9/11

The limits of remembrance

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Visible Man

Ethics in a world without secrets

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When Is a Movie Great?

The perils of medium and magic

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Vote Machine

How Republicans hacked the Justice Department

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Schoolhouse Crock

Fifty years of blaming America’s educational system for our stupidity

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Army of Altruists

On the alienated right to do good

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Imagine There’s No Oil

Scenes from a liberal apocalypse

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Stabbed in the Back!

The past and future of a right-wing myth

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The Case for Impeachment

Why we can no longer afford George W. Bush

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“Don’t Watch the News”

A Marine’s family lives from phone call to phone call

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The Uses of Disaster

Notes on bad weather and good government

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Let There Be Markets

The evangelical roots of economics

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Saving Israel from Itself

A secular future for the Jewish state

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Whitewash as Public Service

How The 9/11 Commission Report defrauds the nation

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Big World

How Clear Channel programs America

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Cause for Dissent

Ten questions for the Bush regime

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The Road to Babylon

Searching for targets in Iraq

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September 2014

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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