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This month’s scientific progress—good, bad, or simply strange.


Biophysicists at the Monell Chemical Senses Center discovered that red pandas can taste aspartame, neotame, and sucralose and will consume large amounts of these substances if given the chance; lions,…

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Baby pythons escaped aboard a 737, a farmer in Kenya bit a python who tried to eat him, and an Indonesian fisherman was killed by Komodo dragons when he attempted…

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The National Sleep Foundation warned that too many people were losing sleep over the worsening economy, which also may be causing a decline in shark attacks worldwide and an increase…

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Researchers discovered an “Obama effect”: African Americans’ performance on a verbal test improved, to equal that of white Americans, immediately after Obama’s nomination and his election. African-American parents were found…

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A British study found that London traders with relatively long ring fingers earn eleven times as much money as do men with short ring fingers, and a survey found that…

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A gay penguin couple in China’s Polar Land zoo were ostracized by other penguins and then placed in a separate enclosure after they made repeated attempts to steal the eggs…

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Studies found that obese women have as many sex part ners as non-obese women, that obese men have fewer sex partners than non-obese men, and that men will spend more…

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High testosterone levels were correlated with financial risk-taking in men, were found to make men prefer feminine women and make women prefer masculine men, and were induced in both men…

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Researchers found that 70 percent of voters who claim to be undecided have already made up their minds, estimated that genes are responsible for 53 percent of an eligible voter’s…

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Scientists bred a race of lazy mice, gave sedentary mice a drug that provided them with the benefits of exercise, created sleepless fruit flies, stopped mouse livers from aging, gave…

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Researchers suggested that homosexuality in men may be an evolutionary advantage if it is caused by a set of “feminizing” genes and if men who carry sub-critical numbers of these…

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September 2009

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