By Eileen Myles, from Afterglow (A Dog Memoir), which was published last month by Grove Press. Myles is a poet and the author of twenty books.
From a correction that was published by the Louisville Courier-Journal in July.
From a complaint filed in March in a New York district court against Grindr, a dating app. The plaintiff, Matthew Herrick, alleges that vulnerabilities in Grindr’s geolocation feature allowed his…
By Naomi Klein, from No Is Not Enough, which was published in June by Haymarket Books. Klein is the author of The Shock Doctrine, among other books.
From news reports in the past year of facial-recognition technologies that have been implemented in China.
From the jury selection process that took place over three days in June for the trial of Martin Shkreli, an investor and hedge fund founder who is facing eight counts…
From a letter written by Patrick Leigh Fermor to Enrica Soma in 1961. Soma was a model and ballerina, and the wife of the director John Huston. Fermor was the…
From a survey in which participants were asked to rank their agreement with statements about Alex Jones, the host of the right-wing talk show Infowars, from “never” to “all the…
By Magda Szabó (1917–2007), from Katalin Street, a novel that was published this month by New York Review Books. Szabó was the author of The Door and the recipient of numerous literary awards.…
By Keith Waldrop, from a manuscript in progress. Waldrop has published more than a dozen volumes of poetry. His Selected Poems (Omnidawn) appeared last year.
From sentences in Unko Kanji Doriru (“Poo Kanji Drills”), a series of writing-exercise books for elementary school students in Japan. The books were written by Yusaku Furuya and published in…
By Valeria Luiselli, from Tell Me How It Ends, which was published in April by Coffee House Press. Luiselli is a novelist and essayist. Her article “Terrorist and Alien” appeared in…
From Donald Trump: America’s 45th President, which was published in November by Gallopade. The biography, by Carole Marsh, is for readers aged eight and up.
From a conversation that took place in March in a high school classroom in Bryansk, Russia. Earlier that day, Maxim, a student, was arrested for spreading information about an unsanctioned…
By Philip Roth, from remarks he gave at a celebration of his seventy-fifth birthday at Columbia University in 2008. They are included in Philip Roth: Why Write?, which will be published…
From a series of podcasts that Uber, the ride-hailing platform, created last year for its drivers in Seattle. In 2015, the Seattle City Council passed an ordinance granting Uber drivers…
From a list of experiences on Airbnb that are offered by the platform’s hosts to their guests. The feature was introduced in November.
By Patrick Modiano, from Livret de famille, an untranslated novel that was published in 1977 by Éditions Gallimard. Modiano’s most recent books in translation, Such Fine Boys and Sundays in August, were published this…
From a list of over-the-counter sexual-enhancement products sold since 2007 that have been identified as harmful by the Food and Drug Administration.