From Crossing the Sea, by Wolfgang Bauer. In 2014, Bauer, a German journalist for Die Zeit, traveled undercover with Syrian refugees on a boat headed from Egypt to Greece. His…
From posters painted by North Korean artists and sold internationally by an Italian company.
By Thomas Bernhard, from the short story “Montaigne,” which appears in Goethe Dies, a collection that was published last month by Seagull Books. Bernhard was the author of numerous novels…
By Alan Felsenthal, from the December 2015 issue of The Brooklyn Rail. Felsenthal cofounded The Song Cave, a small press. His first collection of poems is forthcoming from Ugly Duckling…
From nicknames given to participants on Let Me In, a South Korean reality-television show, in which a panel of beauty experts approves contestants for a plastic-surgery makeover. The nicknames describe…
From a mailing sent out by Eileen Myles in October 1992 as part of a presidential campaign in which she ran as an “openly female” write-in candidate. Myles is a…
By Sophie Calle, a French conceptual artist, from an interview with Eleanor Wachtel for CBC Radio One that was published in the Winter 2016 issue of Brick. Her work Pas…
From oral evidence given in 2013 by Mark Kennedy, a former undercover British police officer, to the British Home Affairs Committee. Between 2003 and 2010, Kennedy used a fake identity,…
From How to Grow Old, by Marcus Tullius Cicero. The work was written in 44 b.c. and was published in a new edition this month by Princeton University Press. Translated…
From “The Case of Moulay Ismael — Fact or Fancy?” an Austrian study coauthored by Elisabeth Oberzaucher and Karl Grammer and published in Plos One.
Last fall, young people gathered in protest at dozens of universities across the country. Students of color spoke about feeling unwelcome or invisible, of being stereotyped, slighted, excluded, harassed. One…
By Dawn Lundy Martin. Martin is the author of four books of poetry, including Good Stock, which will be published by Coffee House Press in 2016. She teaches at the…
By Thomas Chatterton Williams. Williams is the author of the memoir Losing My Cool, published by Penguin Press in 2010.
By Hannah Black. Black is an artist and writer from the U.K. She is the author of Dark Pool Party, which was published last month by Dominica/Arcadia Missa.
By Osita Nwanevu. Nwanevu is a recent graduate of the University of Chicago and the editor of the South Side Weekly.
By Wesley Yang. Yang has written for New York magazine, the New York Times, and n+1. He is at work on his first book.
By C. D. Wright (1949–2016), from ShallCross, which will be published next month by Copper Canyon Press. Wright was the author of more than a dozen volumes of poetry. She…
From a relationship contract created by a first-year male undergraduate and signed by him and a girlfriend. The contract is part of ongoing research for Consent Stories, a project by…