By Jacqueline Waters, from Commodore, which will be published next year by Ugly Duckling Presse. Waters is the author of two previous volumes of poetry, including, most recently, One Sleeps…
From themes of parties that have been held by college students in the United States and the U.K., collected by Laura Bates. Her book Everyday Sexism will be published in…
From “Severe Growing-Up Phobia,” a paper that was coauthored by Laurencia Perales Blum and published in Case Reports in Psychiatry, in 2014. The paper discusses a Mexican boy who suffered…
From West of Eden: An American Place, an oral history of Hollywood and Los Angeles by Jean Stein, published this month by Random House. Stein is the author of Edie:…
From a list of aphorisms generated by randomly recombining the tweets of Deepak Chopra, and used in a study on “the reception and detection of pseudo-profound bullshit” by Gordon Pennycook,…
From complaints, some of which have been dismissed or settled, detailing the alleged theft or misappropriation of trade secrets since 2009.
By Jeremy M. Davies, from The Knack of Doing, a collection of short stories that David R. Godine will publish next month. Davies is the author of two novels, Rose…
From The Life and the Adventures of a Haunted Convict, a memoir by Austin Reed, published this month by Random House. Likely completed in 1858, the manuscript was discovered at…
By Kenneth Irby (1936–2015), whose collected poems, The Intent On, was published by North Atlantic Books in 2009.
From posts by residents of Oakland, California, to NextDoor and Glenfriends, two online social networks for neighbors.
From a complaint filed in October 2014 on behalf of a woman who was harassed by a police officer during a traffic stop in Harris County, Texas. In October 2015,…
From a mathematics textbook for children between six and twelve years old, published by the Islamic State’s ministry of education. The Islamic State distributed copies of the textbook to schools…
From Living on Paper, a collection of Iris Murdoch’s letters published next month by Princeton University Press and Chatto & Windus. Murdoch (1919–99) was the author of numerous novels, including The…
By David Searcy, from Shame and Wonder, a collection of essays that was published this month by Random House. Searcy is the author of two novels, including Last Things (2002).
From queries submitted by telephone and in person to the New York Public Library’s Reference and Research Services between 1940 and 1989.
By Justin E. H. Smith, from a work in progress. Smith’s fourth book, The Philosopher: A History in Six Types (Princeton), will be published in June. At the end of August, the oldest…
From entries made since 2009 to the U.S. Protocol Gift Unit Federal Register Report, which records items given by foreign dignitaries to federal employees.