From Tomás Nevinson, which will be published this month by Knopf. Translated from the Spanish. I still didn’t have all the facts—I was waiting for the full reports, which would…
From explanations given by centenarians for their longevity, followed by their ages at the time the advice was reported. Smoke fifteen cigarettes a day, 100 Drink one glass of Coors…
From a hearing held in February to discuss the bail conditions of Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX. Prosecutors had asked Judge Lewis Kaplan to place…
From headlines given to letters published by the New York Times between 2009 and 2023. Is It OK to Marry an Amnesiac? Is It OK to Press Your Spouse to…
From interviews with former Taliban fighters conducted in Kabul and published by the Afghanistan Analysts Network in February. Translated from the Pashto. Leaving the Taliban’s friendly environment was difficult. There…
From Paved Paradise, which will be published next month by Penguin Press. Parking psychosis is a regular feature of American life. The former NFL safety T. J. Cunningham was killed…
From an undated entry in The Diaries of Franz Kafka, which was published by Schocken Books in January. Translated from the German. 1. When I think about it, I must…
From “Should Writers Talk?,” a discussion that was held in January at the University of Chicago. agnes callard: One of the reasons you give for why writers shouldn’t talk is…
From “The Agoraphobic Fantasy of Tradlife,” which was published in the Winter 2023 issue of Dissent. Love is the ultimate value, and love is under threat: That is the rumor…
From “Till One or the Other Gits Back,” which is collected in The Caterpillar Dogs and Other Early Stories, out this month from New Directions. She stood now at the…
From the abstract of “Small Penises and Fast Cars,” a study conducted by researchers at University College London. In this experiment, we manipulated what men believed about their own penis…
From similes used by the critic Dwight Garner in book reviews for the New York Times since 2017. Like frogs run over by a lawn mower Like a goose dementedly…
From assertions made by current members of Congress. Claimed to not drink alcohol, before being arrested for drunk driving Claimed to be a consultant for Dow Jones & Company because…
From a bill proposed in the Massachusetts legislature in January. The Commissioner of the Department of Correction shall establish a bone marrow and organ donation program and a bone marrow…
From descriptions of Sam Bankman-Fried included in an article written by Adam Fisher and published by Sequoia Capital, a venture capital firm that invested $150 million in Bankman-Fried’s cryptocurrency platform…
From a new edition of Divine Days, which was published last month in the inaugural volume from Seminary Co-op Offsets, an imprint of Northwestern University Press. That evening, several gifts…
From Our Red Book, a collection of essays and interviews about menstruation, edited by Rachel Kauder Nalebuff. The book was published in November by Simon & Schuster. rachel kauder nalebuff:…
From Fashion: A Manifesto, which will be published next month by Notting Hill Editions. Enough has been said about the many ways in which fashion harms the environment, not to…
From a November discussion on the Eyes Left podcast, between Mike Prysner, an Iraq War veteran, and Mansoor Adayfi, a former detainee at Guantánamo Bay. mansoor adayfi: As you know,…
From excerpts of a lecture collected in The Poetics of Wrongness, which was published last month by Wave Books. In late January 2013, I told my mother I was going…
From descriptions of popular Twitter conversations in 2022, as summarized by the company. The topics were archived by People think actor Mickey Rourke bears a resemblance to Val Kilmer…
From an email sent by a manager of an Olive Garden in Overland Park, Kansas. Attention ALL Team Members: Our call-offs are occurring at a staggering rate. From now on,…
From a disciplinary report produced by the Denver Fire Department in October. Engine 19 of the Denver Fire Department responded to support Denver Police Department officers on a welfare check.…
From Grotesque Weather and Good People, which was published in June by Black Ocean. Translated from the Korean. Thinking of people makes us avoid them. I think we should even…
From “Scientomancy, or Divination by Science,” which was published in the Fall 2022/Winter 2023 issue of Salmagundi Magazine. Translated from the Polish. I would like to focus on a special…
From “On Waitressing,” which was published in September by The Stinging Fly. Before I was eighteen, I found talking very difficult. I was a really shy kid. I lacked ease,…
From The Birthday Party, which was published last month by Transit Books. Translated from the French. Tonight, like almost every night, he hears steps on the stairs as he nods…