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Contract killers

How privatizing the U.S. military subverts public oversight

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Not a prayer

Then as now, American schemes to change Islam have been dangerous folly

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Missing in Iraq

The United States has not found Scott Speicher either

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Carbon nation

From coast to coast, federally funded scientists race to capture CO<2>

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A four-year plague

President Bush's anti-environmental agenda has succeeded not in leaps but in inches

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Neil, prince of Bush

Why the latest outrage by a president's brother has provoked so little outrage

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Welcome to the Machine

A citizens’ guide to hacking the 2004 election

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Executive privilege

Inside corporate America's homeland security hot line

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The oligarchs’ ball

Washington's oilman-plutocrats court their Russian counterparts

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April 2004

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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