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Routine Maintenance

Embracing habit in an automated world

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Is Poverty Necessary?

Who generates value in the modern economy, and who should benefit?

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Is Poverty Necessary?

An idea that won’t go away

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Turndown Service

From reviews, published on TripAdvisor, of the Henn-na Hotel, a robot-run resort in Japan that laid off more than half its automated workforce in January. Henn-na bills itself as a…

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The Future of Work

No bleaker than it’s ever been

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Lunch at the Robot Grill

What Japan’s automats portend for American restaurant chains

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Sick in the Head

Why America won't get the health-care system it needs

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The coming robot army

Introducing America's future fighting machines

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February 2007

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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