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Mini Ching

By Sheila Heti, from “How to Be Good When You’re Lost,” in the anthology Where We Are, to be published this fall by Visual Editions. Heti’s contribution, illustrated by Ted…

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Instant City

China’s Wild West gets tamed

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Painting Transport, Shenzhen

Men carry a painting in Shenzhen's Dafen neighborhood. Dafen's artists produce original works as well as millions of inexpensive reproductions, which are sold to hotels around the world. Photograph © Tomas van Houtryve/VII, whose…

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Fei Fei

By Liao Yiwu, from For a Song and a Hundred Songs, out next month from New Harvest. Liao, who was born in China in 1958, spent four years in prison…

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On the Great Wall Game

Behind the scenes of recent scandals, Chinese government factions vie for influence

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Trading for Jobs

As President Obama begins his second term, our gross domestic product is in recovery mode. But the jobs market is still in a Great Recession. Unemployment hovers stubbornly around 8…

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Heirs Apparent

From A History of Future Cities, by Daniel Brook, to be published next month by W. W. Norton. Brook’s article “New Hampshire Goddam” appeared in the November 2012 issue of…

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June 2012

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