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Donald Trump

I Did It My Way

A recent cycle of vigilante films might gesture towards Trump-era fears, but their source is much older

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The Crisis of Our Constitution

Lost in this past electoral season, one of the most vicious and frightening in American history, is how shaky the very foundation of our democracy is. Throughout Trump’s deformation of…

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Donald Trump Is a Good President

One foreigner’s perspective

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Rebirth of a Nation

Can states’ rights save us from a second civil war?

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How to Start a Nuclear War

Any day could be doomsday—and why that’s bad

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Illiberal Values

Coming of age in the Seventies as a Midwesterner, a Mormon, and a resident of a town of about five hundred people, I didn’t get to meet a lot of…

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How to Start a Nuclear War

The increasingly direct road to ruin

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Weekly Review

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin puzzle out cybersecurity in Helsinki, John Kelly didn’t like his breakfast in Brussels, and a family of woodchucks ate the wiring in Paul Ryan’s car

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Devil’s Advocate

From a memorandum filed in April by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York opposing a motion from Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer. The motion…

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July 2018

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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