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Foreign economic relations

Left of Europe

From an interview with Neil Davidson published in the Summer 2019 issue of New Politics. Davidson teaches at the University of Glasgow. His most recent book, We Cannot Escape History,…

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No Exit

For American liberals, the European Union is a bastion of social justice, secular humanism, and civic virtue. Taxed gratefully into equality, its subjects spend their days recycling kefir containers and…

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El Bloqueo

The Cuban embargo continues

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The New China Syndrome

American business meets its new master

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Light, Sweet, Crude

A former U.S. ambassador peddles influence in Afghanistan

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A Bit of Good News

It’s dangerous to express optimism about the economy these days. Europe’s financial markets remain fragile. China, which supports much of the world’s economy through imports, is too dependent on highly…

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Smuggler Nation

By Peter Andreas, from his book out this month from Oxford University Press. Andreas is a professor of political science at Brown University. The agents moved in to seize the…

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Trading for Jobs

As President Obama begins his second term, our gross domestic product is in recovery mode. But the jobs market is still in a Great Recession. Unemployment hovers stubbornly around 8…

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Abraham’s Children

Toward a right of return for Palestinians

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December 2011

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