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Joy to The World

From 216 words expressing well-being, happiness, and pleasure that were collected by Tim Lomas, a lecturer at the University of East London. Lomas’s paper “Towards a Positive Cross-cultural Lexicography” was…

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The Mother of All Questions

I gave a talk on Virginia Woolf a few years ago. During the question-and-answer period that followed it, the subject that seemed to most interest a number of people was…

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Weekly Review

Ukraine’s Supreme Court ordered a second presidential run-off to be held by December 26 after it ruled last month’s fraud-plagued election invalid.New York TimesSupporters of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, the…

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Weekly Review

The House Appropriations Committee passed a measure authorizing the President to use force to free any American detained by the new International Criminal Court, which Tom DeLay, the majority whip…

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Weekly Review

After a heavy lobbying campaign by the electric industry, President George W. Bush broke a campaign promise and decided not to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, humiliating Christie Whitman, his EPA…

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June 1986

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