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Harper’s Index

Percentage of U.S. apartments under construction that are unaffordable for those making less than $75,000 a year : 83 Percentage change since 2006 in the number of U.S. cities that have banned…

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Harper’s Index

Portion of TSA funding that is spent on surface transportation : 1/50 Percentage by which U.S. railway fatalities outnumbered aviation fatalities last year : 78 Percentage change since 2014 in the number of U.S.…

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Harper’s Index

Percentage of young Iraqis who regard the United States as their enemy : 93 Rank of the United States among countries that Arabs aged 18 to 24 regard as the best in…

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Harper’s Index

Percentage change in the rate of global carbon emissions in 2014 : 0 Number of previous years on record in which the global economy grew and the carbon-emission rate did not : 0 Percentage…

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June 2015

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