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From a March 1940 letter to her brother, André, collected in A Life in Letters, which will be published next month by Harvard University Press. Translated from the French by…

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Prime Factors

From A Divine Language, which will be published next month by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 1. Prime numbers are those that can be divided cleanly only by themselves and by…

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Divine Logic

Kurt Gödel’s last proof

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Tinker, Tailor, Student, Spy

From instructions for a remote math test at Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario in October 2020. Complete the practice quiz. After the practice quiz, start the setup test. Complete the…

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Divide and Conquer

From a mathematics textbook for children between six and twelve years old, published by the Islamic State’s ministry of education. The Islamic State distributed copies of the textbook to schools…

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Divide and Conquer

Sample problems from a mathematics textbook for children between six and twelve years old, published by the Islamic State’s ministry of education.

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Political Calculus

From an interview with Lyubov Ulyakhina, an expert hired by the Russian Academy of Education, published in April on the Russian news site In March, Russia’s Ministry of Education…

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Wrong Answer

The case against Algebra II

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September 2013

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