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New Mexico

Home Country

What does it mean to be Latino?

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Lines and Lineage

We often forget that the boundary between the United States and Mexico was not always where it is today. It used to be seven hundred miles farther north, following what…

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The Glitch in the Video-Game Graveyard

An anthropological dispatch from the landfill dig to unearth Atari’s E.T.

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Never Say Neuter

From a January 22 report by New Mexico State Police officer Clinton Norris. Tanner Ruane and Mark Staake were arrested before they carried out their plan and are awaiting trial.…

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Weekly Review

An American cattleman. Republican Scott Brown defeated Democrat Martha Coakley to become a Massachusetts senator, nabbing the seat previously held by Ted Kennedy and ending the Democrats’ filibuster-proof majority. With…

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Shalom on the Range

In search of the American Crypto-Jew

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Weekly Review

Israel extended its occupation of the Gaza strip, sending in ground forces and cutting the territory in two. Hamas fired 32 missiles at Israel. The Palestinian health ministry reported that…

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