From Observed Customer Seating and Standing Behaviors and Seat Preferences Onboard Subway Cars in New York City, by Aaron Berkovich, Brian Levine, Alex Lu, and Alla V. Reddy, researchers for…
From a June 7, 1923, letter sent to the personal secretary of Leon Trotsky, then Russian minister of defense, by the Nestle Laboratory for Hair Research in New York City,…
A year and a half after the takeover of Zuccotti Park there exists a widespread conviction that Occupy Wall Street ultimately failed, and that it did so for lack of…
From a 1979 letter by John Lennon to a laundry in New York City, where Lennon lived with his wife, Yoko Ono. The John Lennon Letters was published by Little,…
From an interview with Paul Hudert, a juggler who performs under the name Paolo Garbanzo at Renaissance faires and with the Flying Karamazov Brothers, by Rachel Lee Rubin, an American…
From the press release of a performance held in July at Allegra LaViola Gallery, in New York City. Artist Laura Ginn and Allegra LaViola Gallery proudly present Tomorrow We Will…
From a catalogue produced by Hutter Auction Galleries for an auction of the estate of Jack Kevorkian, who died in June 2011. The auction was held in New York City…
From a memoir published in September by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Roth is an editor at n+1. Secrecy came easily, at first. It felt like the natural condition of adolescence,…