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Ban After Reading

From a list of reasons books should be removed from public schools, as updated in December by Bruce Friedman, who leads the Florida chapter of No Left Turn in Education.…

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Common Ground

Feet of clay: on the troublesome uses of archeology, past and present

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Common Ground

The politics of archaeology in Jerusalem

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The Vanishing

The plight of Christians in an age of intolerance

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Same Old, Same Old

Palestinian-Americans on the meaning of Donald Trump's presidency.

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Discussing the “Radical Otherness” of Israel with Frédéric Brenner

"Only such a spectrum of perspectives could really do justice to the complexities and to the fact that Israel is totally un-understandable."

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The Other Zionism

The main current of Zionism has always nourished itself on the illusions that the Jews were “a people without a land” returning to “a land without a people.” But there…

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A Jerusalem Education

“It gradually dawned on me that since 1967, I had made very little progress in seeing Arabs or empathizing with their plight.”

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“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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