For all those involved in the publication and dissemination of ideas, freedom of expression is the foundation on which our work depends. Like many writers, I have campaigned to defend…
From “To Know and to Know Not,” a lecture delivered in May at the annual Premio Gregor von Rezzori ceremony in Florence, Italy. If you are from somewhere else, living…
From Strangers in Light Coats: Selected Poems, 2014–2020, which was published in November by Seagull Books. Translated from the Arabic by Robin Moger. I was born into the Christian households…
From a list of reasons books should be removed from public schools, as updated in December by Bruce Friedman, who leads the Florida chapter of No Left Turn in Education.…
"Only such a spectrum of perspectives could really do justice to the complexities and to the fact that Israel is totally un-understandable."
The main current of Zionism has always nourished itself on the illusions that the Jews were “a people without a land” returning to “a land without a people.” But there…