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Poem for Harm

Reflections on harm in language and the trouble with Whitman

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The Crow Croaked

By Antarah ibn Shaddad, from War Songs, which will be published next month by NYU Press. Antarah was a pre-Islamic poet and warrior of the sixth century. Translated from the…

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Climate Correction

John Ashbery’s last poem, handwritten at his home in Hudson, New York, on August 25, 2017. Ashbery died on September 3.

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By George Oppen (1908–84), from 21 Poems, a collection of previously unpublished works that was released in August by New Directions. Oppen was the author of seven volumes of poetry.…

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Tobacco Shade

By Dawn Lundy Martin, from Good Stock Strange Blood, which was published in August by Coffee House Press. Martin’s previous book, Life in a Box Is a Pretty Life, won…

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From “Where Elses”

By Keith Waldrop, from a manuscript in progress. Waldrop has published more than a dozen volumes of poetry. His Selected Poems (Omnidawn) appeared last year.

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By Ann Lauterbach, from a manuscript in progress. Lauterbach has published nine volumes of poetry, including, most recently, Under the Sign (2013).

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Nothing Has Taken Me

By Abu al-Hasan ‘Ali bin Hisn (eleventh century). The poem was translated from the Arabic by Peter Cole and appears in Hymns & Qualms, a selection of his poems and…

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From “Periscope”

By Susan Howe, from Debths, which will be published next month by New Directions. Howe is the author of more than a dozen volumes of poetry. In January, the Poetry…

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May 2017

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