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A Bit of Good News

It’s dangerous to express optimism about the economy these days. Europe’s financial markets remain fragile. China, which supports much of the world’s economy through imports, is too dependent on highly…

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Second Chance

Inauguration Day is upon us. And it seems like only yesterday that the colossal, overheating machinery of democracy, which had been running in high gear for almost two years, finally…

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The Austerity Myth

As economic adversity continues to spread, from Athens to Madrid, London to the Beltway, austerity has become a most dangerous idea. What now dominates the world is the popular theory…

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A Letter to Barack Obama

George McGovern in New Hampshire, 1972. © Constantine Manos/Magnum Photos   When President Franklin Roosevelt came into office in the depth of the Great Depression, he sought to stabilize and…

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Tea Party in the Sonora

For the future of G.O.P. governance, look to Arizona

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June 1939

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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