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Technological innovations

A Radioactive Money Pit

The hidden risks of small-scale nuclear reactors

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The Digital Revolution That Wasn’t

For as long as there have been machines, there have been worries about their power to destroy jobs. The Luddites — early-nineteenth-century artisans who bitterly resisted the new textile machinery…

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The Future Progressive

In his classic book On Liberty, the nineteenth-century British philosopher John Stuart Mill urged that man strive to become “a progressive being.” Mill defined progressivism as the cultivation of individuality;…

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Publisher’s Letter

When I began my tenure as publisher of Harper’s Magazine nearly thirty years ago, my biggest challenge — or so I thought at the time — was to get advertising…

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Beyond the Book

By Mark Kingwell, from a keynote speech delivered in May at the annual meeting of the Writers’ Union of Canada and published in the Ottawa Citizen. Kingwell is a professor…

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May 1999

“An unexpectedly excellent magazine that stands out amid a homogenized media landscape.” —the New York Times
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