From FM 7-22 Holistic Health and Fitness, a training field manual for soldiers. Each sentence was taken from the 244-page guide, which was revised and republished last October by the…
How World War I delayed a treatment for diabetes and derailed one man’s chance at immortality
From a memoir written in 1944 by Marcelle Hamel-Hateau, a schoolteacher in the Norman village of Neuville-au-Plain, included in D-Day Through French Eyes, by Mary Louise Roberts, published last month…
From a list of more than 100,000 items in storage at the U.S. Army Historical Clearinghouse facility in Anniston, Alabama, released in September by the Army’s Center of Military History…
From 112 Gripes About the French, a 1945 handbook for American soldiers in occupied France, edited and republished this month by the Bodleian Library.